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Greek Love Through The Ages

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Revision as of 16:35, 16 April 2023 by The Admins (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Greek Love Through The Ages''' ('''greek-love.com''') is a website that collects and republishes multiple historical accounts of pederastic relationships throughout the world ("greek" refers to a "model" of pederasty far from always observed). Literature is presented via a collapsible index, in a geographically, and to some extent, temporally organized manner. It can be described as an expanded ethnological and historical anthology, or collection of lite...")
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Greek Love Through The Ages (greek-love.com) is a website that collects and republishes multiple historical accounts of pederastic relationships throughout the world ("greek" refers to a "model" of pederasty far from always observed). Literature is presented via a collapsible index, in a geographically, and to some extent, temporally organized manner. It can be described as an expanded ethnological and historical anthology, or collection of literature, with imagery added to reflect as close as possible, boys or boy-love from the time and place depicted.

Published by the pseudonymous author, Edmund Marlowe, an Old Etonian and a married man,[1] the site gives precedence to historical accounts from writers such as Parker Rossman and Edward Brongersma, while also recommending summary efforts by more recent writers such as Bruce Rind. The site also has sections on fiction, drama, poetry and humor related to pederasty.

Alexander's Choice

The author himself[2] published the 2013 novel, Alexander's Choice,[3] about a teenage boy's homosexual love affairs at Eton. The book was met with critical acclaim in the mainstream press.

Upon the book's publishing, it soon became obvious that the book's author was familiar with operations at the famous school (and by extension, its many secrets). As a result, even establishment media such as the Daily Mail were left with no choice but to praise it:

Eton's homoerotic whodunnit! [...] The 422-page potboiler is being hailed as the Etonian version of Fifty Shades Of Grey. Instead of heterosexual bondage, Marlowe’s oeuvre concentrates on the homoerotic friendship between a pupil and a new housemaster. [...] "It’s quite clear from descriptions of the school and nicknames for things that whoever wrote it was with us at school," he says. "And there is a great guessing game going on trying identify who the people in the book might be in real life."[4]

In a bizarre juxtaposition, the book was criticized by a QX Magazine (Establishment Gay Press) reviewer, in what appeared to be a broad-daylight attempt at Rainbow Revisionism. This led to a backlash in the sites' comment section.[5]

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