23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Adult Attracted Minor

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Part of NewgonWiki's series on
minor-attracted identities
Starting Guide | Community | Pediverse
MAP | NOMAP | AAM | Neologisms
"MAP" Origins | Flag | Movement
Political history: MAP & LGBT Alliances
Philias: Ephebo - Hebe - Pedo - Nepio
Gender and attraction: BL - EL - GL
Pederasty/Gay BL | Korephilia/Lesbian GL
Pro-c | Neutral-c | Anti-c
BLogo | GLogo
Category: Minor-attracted people
Template:MAI - This template

Adult Attracted Minor (or AAM) is a term coined in reference to a legal minor who is sexually/romantically attracted to a person, or persons, who are legal adults. As commonly used, this can refer to preferential, non-preferential or indeed ephemeral attractions.

Problematic etymology

"AAM" as a concept, is very poorly defined - especially in casual conversation among antis.


The non-preferential use of "AAM" (i.e. "an AAM is a minor who experiences any attraction to adults") is sometimes deemed overbroad, since attraction to sexually mature people is normative among teens. Western society however, generally fails to accept this fact, instead perpetuating ageist bigotries such as deeming attraction to adults “inappropriate”, or dismissing it as "passing", "hormonal" or "lovesickness", as is generally the case in teen fiction. American society in particular, insists upon a period of "age appropriate" containment and "safeguarding", in effect a form of "age-apartheid" or "pooling of ignorance" until the “child” hits 18.

Behavioral bias

For the reasons above, "AAM" is often (ab)used as a casual reference to minors who seek sexual contact with adults – in essence, “chasers”. "AAM" is thought to have been ascribed a behavioral definition by casual and hostile observers (MAPs among them), as "AAM behavior" is socially "atypical", and undeniable evidence of transgressive desires that Western adult society refuses to accommodate.

Most MAPs profess an ethical opposition to pursuing intimate relationships with minors, regardless of their opinions on easing Age of Consent laws.[1] This general skepticism and suspicion about "feds" and vigilantes impersonating teenagers, can lead to the unnecessary stigmatization of AAMs and younger MAPs.


AAM (as commonly used) is likely to have emerged out of the 2018-19 publicity surrounding the term "Minor Attracted People" and the MAP Flag. However, early uses have been located on old web-forums as early as 2002,[2] and also by Pedologues broadcaster Rookiee, as a "mirror image" of "Minor Attracted Adult" on his blog, Paiderastia, in May of 2006.[3]

AAM Activism

AAM activism is often seen as an acid-test for pro-c MAP activists. If and when minors are able to freely speak out, the upside risk for MAP activism in general, increases exponentially. Mark Moffett Jr, covered in Youth Perspectives was the most famous AAM activist, although he will not have used the term to describe himself.

Official Guidance⁽ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᶦˢˀ⁾ - Spotting fake/bait AAMs

Fake/bait AAM personas used by anti-MAP vigilantes are known to demonstrate a few common traits (see gallery below):

  • Anonymous, non-photographic persona, fake/stolen photos, or otherwise will not "flash" face or private features, as they are an adult and it would give the game away. For legal reasons, we do not suggest that you try to "test" this rule.
  • Forward with sexual advances, requests for photographs. Ever so happy to "meet" after a photo and some sweet words. Most actual minors are as discriminating and picky as adults, and many will be shy and nervous.
  • Types in the style of a bored housewife impersonating a stereotyped teen. Repeats "lol" - is this really how teens communicate? Performative cuteness that is too cliché for an actual teen ("heyyyy").
  • Inconsistency in confected traits such as slippage in use of decapitalization.

Newgon Organization strongly warns its followers against the idea of communicating with supposed minors for "sexual" purposes. If a person finds it impossible to resist fantasy cybersex, they should make it clear from stage one (and record it), that it is a fantasy discussion, and that they believe beyond reasonable doubt, that they are communicating with an adult. Under some laws (e.g. "Sexual Communication With a Child" in the UK) meeting a decoy isn't even necessary for a conviction.

Who has an "AAM problem"?

See minor attracted community for further insight.

Multiple moral "gatekeepers" of social media, including members of the LGBT community (where "loved boys" were sheltered in the 70s, 80s and even 90s) are known to police and report AAMs. They derogatorily refer to them as a "problem". One of the ironies of this policing action, is that many of the self-proclaimed AAMs are likely to be poseurs, members of Anonymous, extortionists or organized criminals.

  • Twitter.com - according to numerous people on said website.
  • Discord - frequently claimed on social media.
  • Chansites.
  • Modern social media platforms in general.
  • Wickr and Telegram.


See also


  1. Behavioral data, documenting the high frequency of attraction to minors in the general population and low frequency of pedophilia in the criminal population, all but confirms the existence of numerous non-offending MAPs and pedophiles in society.
  2. Manstuprator finds "AAM" on old BBS
  3. Rookiee