Special Article: Anti-c MAP Tumblr, Twitter and Fediverse - Material for Character Analysis

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Our article documents screen-caps from anti-contact and some neutral-c pediverse spaces for the purpose of present and future character analysis. We have only constructed detailed profiles of individuals who have been accused of malicious behavior, intending to determine the validity, or otherwise of those claims. We do not publish any information that may be personally identifying.

Malicious behavior

Early Pediverse has suffered from occasional malicious incidents. Owing to the wild-west style of federated social networks, where anybody can set up a server, this behavior has sometimes been tolerated by instance owners. This has led some to call for professionalization and higher levels of accountability in instance leadership, or the outright redaction of particular servers by way of defederation or suspension of domain.

Iris [NNIA]

Chronic, or Iris, a member of NNIA, has a long history of doxing MAPs and consorting with pedophile hunters. This has been tolerated by the instance admin, Lecter, possibly because of compromising information held by Iris, one of his former dates.

Lecter [NNIA]


Kay Faraday [FU]

Kay Faraday, the former admin of freak.university (a highly successful pediverse instance) has shared compromising information about and entertained the idea of doxing other MAPs. This is often in the context of humor, but is open to interpretation. At this point, she is not active in administrating Fediverse instances, so is not considered an appropriate target for deeper character analysis.

Cult claims

Former NNIA members often claim to have experienced cult-like conditions. These claims have been investigated by Newgon and found to be false.

Language Policing

Lecter has an obsession with language-policing that has been realized in a series of bizarre threads.


Lecter has at times signified the need to keep MAP spaces "deviant" and "degenerate", opposing attempts to expand the movement by capitalizing upon the considerable numbers of hebephiles who do not count themselves as members, or consider adoption of the stigma too risky. As a paraphilic hebephile, opposing political involvement of non-paraphilic hebephiles has been a balancing act for Lecter.


In some cases, Pediverse users have supported neo-religious concepts, anti-logic and scientific movements that have been used to attack MAPs. Some ideas used aggressively against MAPs in the 1980s (such as Dissociative Identity Disorder and Satanic Ritual Abuse) have seen a revival among fiction-loving MAPs themselves on Fediverse. While these are far from uniformly supported, it is hoped better education can combat disinformation within the community.


NNIA users have engaged other users in a series of struggle-sessions over "bad" language or "ideologies" - Katie Cruz, a MAP activist from the 00s being one common target.