23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Special Article: List of Pedologues summaries

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A Logo designed by Rookiee for Pedologues

Pedologues was a podcast for MAPs running from Sep 2005-Sep 2006.

Here, we summarize the episodes with timestamps.

Pedologues Episode 1

(10 September 2005) Rookiee and Abraxas summary:

Domain name set-up problems. Locating service providers prepared to allow an individual’s right to freedom of speech online. Contrasting responses from Libsyn.Org and DomainsByProxy.Com. Barriers to maintaining anonymity legally whilst managing a domain. (01:30 to 10:39)

Pedologue rationale. Who we are: Rookiee, Abraxas. Why we are here: help put the truth out, defend childlove, and support childlovers, especially young childlovers, and stigmatised youth. Law enforcement once told Abraxus that “we” never want you people to ever be given the opportunity to try and tell others about yourselves in a positive light. (10:40 to 13:29)

Perceptions of childlove. Society’s view versus childlove community’s view. Who is right? Love is always right. However, US cultural ideals tell us certain types of love are wrong. This is a distortion of the truth. This distortion is applied, for example, as punishment on any child exhibiting an “unhealthy” interest in their own taboo body parts or those of others. “Educators” go out of their way to ignore discussing these taboo body parts with the child. (13:30 to 23:19)

Sex education. What age do you teach a child about sex? Rookiee relates story about his over-protective mother, and the difficulty she had had in discussing the topic once he began to ask leading questions. Many children are kept in ignorance because the “educators” are too embarrassed to educate. In these situations, children seek information from alternative sources, ones they can trust. (23:20 to 27:59)

Self-loathing. Negative historic child abuse experience and/or paedophilic self-loathing shaping negative adult opinions toward intergenerational relationships. This dynamic occurred also within the homosexual community at a time when adult same-sex intimacy was illegal. (28:00 to 32:29)

Profit from discrimination. Increasingly, child abuse stories sell well, so anti-paedophile propaganda is a good business model for the media. Profit at the expense of a sexual minority group by highlighting the worst child abuse cases and repeatedly tell their readers that all paedophiles are capable of such crimes. When the media repeats a lie often enough, the falsehood becomes the truth and a stereotype is born. The stereotype is not easily dismantled even when contrary evidence is made available sufficient for them to experience cognitive dissonance. (32:30 to 40:59)

Grooming versus teaching. Parents mould their offspring into a shape that easily fits into society. The process of moulding is considered by society to be teaching the child. If the child responds well to this teaching, they can be rewarded say with a gift if their expectations are fulfilled. Society however, takes a very different view of communication between a paedophile and a child. Society interprets such communication as grooming, and if proven by law enforcement, the paedophile can be registered as a sex offender. (41:00 to 47:59)

Cotton wool kids. Face to face communication steadily being replaced by online communication. It is becoming harder to really get to know people. The younger generation is increasingly identifying with celebrities who they have never met in real life to such an extent they can be considered to be surrogate friends. In reality, the fans have fallen in love with the celebrity’s ego. (48:00 to 50:29)

Topics for future discussion, guests, podcast limitations, plugs for related initiatives. (50:30 to 01:02:10)

Pedologues Episode 2

(17 September 2005) Rookiee and Abraxas summary:

Response to episode 1: sixty listeners. Improvements to broadcast quality. (01:30 to 04:39)

Suggested topics for discussion: sex offender registries, child pornography, literature, urban dictionary. (04:50 to 06:09)

Homosexual versus paedophile. Urban dictionary definition of “paedophile” and “homosexual”. “Homosexual: a person whose sexual preference is members of the same sex. Homosexuality is not a perversion or a disease, but merely an aspect of sexuality that has been around for thousands of years.” “Paedophile: a person who suffers from paedophilia, that is, an adult who is sexually attracted to children. Paedophilia is a mental disorder, not a sexual orientation or lifestyle choice. Specifically it is a paraphilia. The paraphilias are characterised by a recurrence of sexual urges, fantasies or behaviours that involve unusual objects, activities or situations. Terms like paedosexuals are misnomers and nothing more than political activism on the part of organised groups of paedophiles attempting to legitimise or legalise their abuse and predation of children.” (06:10 to 11:49)

Recommended literature. For MAPs who seek accurate information on the topic of boy love, girl love and youth sexuality: Tom o’Carroll: Paedophilia The Radical Case. Dr Edward Brongersma: Loving Boys Vols I and II. Anything by Theo Sandfort. Dr Judith Levine: Harmful to Minors. Rod Downey: The Moralist. (11:50 to 13:39)

Sex offender registries. They do not work. Registries are available for all to see online via websites such as “pedo-watch”, detailing sex offender photos, addresses, phone numbers plus other personal information. Apart from being fear generators, they function as hit lists for vigilantes to mete out rough justice without having to worry about law enforcement intervention. This is the closest the US has come to installing Nazi death camps, apart from setting up internment camps for Japanese prisoners of war. On-line offender registries for other crimes do not exist. (13:40 to 20:19)

Sex offender discrimination. Negative impact on the sex offender: barred from applying for housing as association is liable if any problems arose, employment terminated when hire found to be an offender, employment refused if job entails contact with children, keep beyond radius of 2000 feet around schools so large areas in towns become forbidden zones, notify authorities when car changed or address changed, law enforcement can search house without warrant at any time so no right to privacy and no fourth amendment, lose right not to incriminate yourself and thus the fifth amendment, offenders are forced to coalesce into colonies. Offenders continue to be punished long after they have paid their debt to society. Hypocrisy of law enforcement agencies encouraging sex offenders to succeed upon release whilst simultaneously removing all practical means to do so. (20:20 to 29:49)

Poll: Who would you prefer to socialise with a paedophile or a member of al-Qaeda? (29:50 to 31:29)

Boy celebrities: Zack and Cody, Paul Butcher. With the sound turned down, easier to concentrate on your masturbation fantasies and techniques. (31:30 to 33:29)

Pornography definitions: has to be distributed, has to be commercial and has to be lacking in artistic merit. But, what constitutes artistic merit? (33:30 to 35:04)

Child pornography. Difficult to eradicate, and, from a MAP’s perspective, such material will always exist so long as the face of the child can be seen. One should draw a distinction between child pornography and child erotica, the former is harmful in some way, whereas the latter has the ability to arouse. Pornography is neither the portrayal of the naked human form nor the portrayal of the natural loving human sexual act. Conflict in some US states between child pornography law and age of consent law: legal to have sex with a 16 year-old girl but a nude photo of her is child pornography. Instance of a 13 year-old boy being arrested for distributing child pornography, specifically photos of his naked self online. A naked child is now judged as obscene; in reality, a child’s body is beautiful and charming. Hypocritically, historic artefacts on display in public places, such as Michaelangelo’s David, are exempt from child pornography laws as they are deemed to be culturally significant. (35:05 to 44:54)

Peace versus aggression. Carl Sagan’s book Cosmos, final chapter: in studying anthropology, scientists conclude that peaceful humane societies allow open and free expression of nudity and sexuality across all ages, whereas aggressive societies make sex and nudity shameful, discriminate against sexual minorities, prohibit sexual expression among children, and thus become detached from humanity. (44:55 to 49:19)

Pedologues as activism. We are two individuals communicating the range of ideas raised on MAP boards in the hope that we can ultimately change societal attitudes towards MAPs. There are a lot of different perspectives within our community, and having this podcast we hope to open up discussion on these perspectives to a wider audience. Although the MAP boards are beneficial to those who participate, they are limited in what they can achieve simply because too many people hide among them, like frogs in a pond. By leaping out of the pond and engaging in activism there is of course increased risk, but there is no other way to change society. If more frogs left the pond to do more podcasts, then more voices would be heard and there would be a greater chance of bringing about change. (49:20 to 55:40)