23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.


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Masculism | Feminism | Queer
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Masculism, a term coined as a counterpart to feminism, is a sociopolitical movement that advocates for the rights and concerns of men. Rooted in the belief that traditional gender roles can be restrictive for men, masculists seek to address issues related to men's rights, masculinity, and societal expectations.

Key Principles

  • Gender Equality: Masculists assert that true gender equality involves addressing both men's and women's issues. They argue against the notion that the advancement of women's rights should come at the expense of men's rights.
  • Challenging Stereotypes: Masculism aims to challenge stereotypes surrounding masculinity, emphasizing that men, like women, can experience pressure to conform to societal expectations. This includes questioning norms related to emotional expression, career choices, and familial roles.
  • Legal Equality: Advocates for masculism often highlight areas where they perceive men to be disadvantaged, such as family court decisions, custody battles, and alimony. They push for legal reforms to ensure equal treatment for men and women.
  • Education and Health: Masculists may address issues specific to men's education and health. Concerns could range from male underachievement in education to mental health challenges that may be stigmatized in male culture.
  • Workplace Issues: Masculism may also touch on workplace challenges faced by men, including workplace safety, hazardous job conditions, and the expectation of being primary breadwinners.

Criticism and Controversy:

Critics argue that masculism, at times, can be misconstrued as a reactionary movement against feminism. Some question the necessity of a separate movement for men's rights, positing that gender issues are interconnected and should be addressed collectively.

Relationship with Feminism:

While there are areas of overlap, tensions can arise between masculism and feminism. However, there are instances of collaboration where both movements recognize the need for a more inclusive dialogue on gender issues. In conclusion, masculism is a multifaceted movement seeking to address a range of issues affecting men in modern society. Its evolution and impact on gender discourse continue to shape conversations around equality, stereotypes, and the complex interplay of societal expectations.

Contributions to Men's Issues Discourse by Notable Authors

Men's issues, particularly those related to societal expectations, discrimination, and gender dynamics, have been explored by various authors who have contributed significantly to the discourse. Their works provide diverse perspectives, challenging traditional narratives and fostering critical discussions. Below are notable authors and their key contributions:

Warren Farrell is a renowned author and speaker known for his contributions to the men's rights movement.

  • "The Liberated Man" (1974)
    • Farrell's early work explores evolving notions of masculinity and liberation from traditional gender roles.

David Benatar is a philosopher and author known for his work on ethics and gender issues.

Christina Hoff Sommers is a philosopher and author who has written extensively on feminism and gender issues.:

Gad Saad, an evolutionary psychologist, has contributed to discussions on ideas and behaviors.

Helen Pluckrose is a scholar known for her work on cultural and gender studies

See also

Masculism - Wikipedia