List of CSA/anti-pedophile proponents

This article aims to list any person who has spread misinformation about pedophiles or promoted the ideology of child sexual abuse in public, but does not yet have a devoted article on this website. It is intended to be a searchable resource and a repository for information on public persons, their activities, associations and colleagues. Those who might need to be researched more thoroughly will be dead-wikilinked (and appear in green) as a result. Our list currently ignores most organizations, but they are probably more deserving of scrutiny, and thus submissions are welcome. Some organizations are still profiled in the categories below.
Already profiled people and orgs (including sympathetic and unsympathetic)
For example, via the blue arrow ►, you may access hostile subcategories such as Pseudoscientists, Ranting AntiPeds, Vigilantes and Unsympathetic Activists.
For example, via the blue arrow ►, you may access potentially hostile subcategories such as Charity & NGO, and hostile ones such as Vigilante & Hate and Unsympathetic.
- For already profiled organizations (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here.
- The International Banking System. These bankers and their fellow industrialists who control 40% of the world's wealth do not care what crimen exceptum ("special" crime, with a "special" stigma) strenghtens their establishment's powers and provides an excuse for their police state. It can be heresy, as it was when they first began to organize themselves, or nowadays terrorism or 'inappropriate' sexual acts or 'child predators'. They will not be in danger from the crimen exceptum as they own the system, including the judiciary and media. When the public is whipped up up into a moral panic, that strenghtens the police state even further:
- "The faceless bankers and industrialists who control America’s and the world’s finances and manipulate them for their personal greed, who have caused the latest economic disaster as they have caused most previous ones over the centuries. In whose interests it is to have laws that can criminalize any dissenting citizen in an instant. Whose status and wealth our police, legal profession, judiciary and politicians place above ours, because almost all in the establishment are in their pockets. Through their control of all money they can place presidents in power. Some people think Federal Reserve Banks are United States government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefits of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those that maintain an international propaganda for deceiving us...that will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime...” (10 June 1932) Congressman Louis T. McFadden.
- Bill Gates - "Introduced and steadfastly maintained the Windows software that greatly facilitated the creation of a powerful surveillance tool for the police states of the world", helped transform internet into criminal wire-trap. Corporation also supports nefarious media causes such as NBC and co-operates with Kelloggs.
- Rupert Murdoch - One of the most powerful men in global media, commonwealth monopoliser, master pornographer, supporter of sloppy news values, never questioning the established order:
- FOX News - US outlet gives free publicity to/ridicules MAP Movement as "woke" via celebrities such as Tucker Carlson.
- Sky News Australia - Similar alternative-right news org. "Sky News" in the UK is liberal Comcast, not Murdoch.
- Q and Pizzagate movement - Largely US-driven conspiracy movement given coverage by the mainstream media - repeated references to pedophile elites and coded pedophile language. Theorizes that Madeleine McCann was abducted to order by the Podesta Brothers. Significantly infiltrated by US intelligence agencies. Can often be manipulated to our advantage due to the implausible nature of the messaging.
- Private companies who complied in The Third Adpocalypse.[1] These companies pulled their ads as part of The Third Adpocalypse, where on February 18, 2019, YouTuber MattsWhatItIs (described in our section on Canadians) posted a video showing what he referred to as a "soft-core pedophilia ring" on the site, placing the blame on YouTube's algorithm. He then told his fanbase to report this to the companies putting their ads on the site with the hashtag #YouTubewakeup. The companies who responded were Lidl, Mars, AT&T, Nestlé, Cadbury (Mondelez), Epic Games, Adidas, Disney, Dr Oetker and Hasbro. Further, Taco Bell has sponsored YouTube “predator hunter” Zack Sweers (Anxiety War).
- For already profiled individuals (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here and organizations here.
As mentioned above, FOX News often agitates on this topic. Smaller outlets such as Breitbart present similar coverage - and their tone appears to be moral opportunist more than actively crusading. Activist outlets such as the feminist 4W and various TERFS have been mobilized by the emergence of Minor Attracted People.
- Chris Hansen - Host of Dateline NBC's To Catch a Predator, cult icon, makes money out of traumatising and incriminating entrapment victims.
- John Walsh - Presenter of America's Most Wanted, NCMEC key founder. Made money out of son Adam's death. Frequent talking head and supporter of parent-power child abuse programs/predator/bad-guy hunting as entertainment. Suicide rates are high for the individuals pursued by some of these shows.
- Jesse Watters - FOX Opinion journalist who frequently engages in anti-scientific screeching against "normalization" of pedophilia. Also ascribes to the unfounded belief that whatever you are attracted to, you will eventually have to act on it.
- Tim Ballard - Operation Underground Railroad’s founder and president - hysteric and conspiracy theorist who runs the highly profitable organization, spreads misinformation about Wayfair and claimed that Covid-19 was a “pedophile’s dream”.
- "Dr Laura" Schlessinger - Family-values talk radio host who communicated with The Leadership Council during the Rind et al affair, pushing for congressional condemnation. Long-known hysteric.
- Ellen Bass and Laura Davis - Lesbian/feminist authors of The Courage to Heal, a book which fuelled the Child Sexual Abuse panic.
- Dr. Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith - Wrote Michelle Remembers and inspired the following Satanic Ritual Abuse fraud.
- Kurt Eichenwald - Journalist who possibly paid Justin Berry to extract testimony, wrote "expose" of minor attracted community.
- Oprah Winfrey - Veteran TV talk-show host and media empire mogul. Long time friend-of-the-establishment on child abuse issues, speaks from "experience" as to be unchallengeable. Famously went on air to state that "over 9000 [organised, pedophile] penises" are out to rape "our children".
- Evan Rachel Wood - Actress who is also a sexual hysteric. Alleges a “pedophile” was on the TV show “Showbiz Kids” and widespread abuse in Hollywood.[2] Also called out Paris Hilton for calling 15-year-old Millie Bobbie Brown “hot”.
- Corey Feldman, Elijah Wood, Brad Pitt, the late Chester Bennington, the late Chris Cornell, the late rapper Prodigy, Lea Seydoux and the late Avicii have all apparently threatened to expose Hollywood “pedophiles” and “pedophile rings”.
- Jenna Jameson - Once told parents to have Roblox banned because of “predators”. Has also moaned in about how she was “exploited” by the porn industry, simply because she has been in the industry since she was at the fertile age of 16.
- Alanis Morissette - Singer who spoke out against a man who she had a consensual relationship with when she was a teenager, calling that relationship “pedophilia”.[3]
- Tupac Shakur - Declared a “death sentence on all child molestors, fake-ass bitches male and female” in his song “Where Do We Go From Here”.
- Hernan “Eddie” Hermida - said his song "Cease to Exist" is "how much I hate pedophiles. I would go to great depths of pain to see people like that suffer the worst pain on earth imaginable!"
- The Insane Clown Posse - American rap group. Made two songs about killing “pedophiles” “To Catch A Predator” (2009) and “Six Pedophiles.” (2015)
- Jane Seymour - hosted the special "Break the Silence: Kids Against Child Abuse" on the CBS Television Network, Childhelp USA, UNICEF, Child-Safe ambassador.
- Nancy Grace - Fmr Court TV presenter, opinion journalist and McCarthyite hysteric who sides with the prosecution almost by default. Unprincipled opportunist.

- Wendy Murphy - As per Grace, but with (tainted) experience as a prosecutor. Associate of The Leadership Council.
- Cam'ron (Cameron Giles) - Rapper who proposed to harass entrapment victims and "not let them leave until we find out what's wrong with them". Other bizarre comments re. children.[4]
- Ricky Martin - Singer who started a foundation in his name (1996) and adopted CSA/Trafficking agenda 10 years later.
- Richard Melville Hall - US DJ "Moby" has made statements indicating that he is sympathetic to the CSA agenda.
- Sonny John Moore - AKA Skrillex. Once yelled “Fuck Pedophiles” at a gig. Also, the music video for “Equinox - First of the Year” (and theoretically some of his other music videos) features a little girl killing a pedophile.
- Christopher Laro - Amateur film-maker who trolls the web accusing others of being the caricatured villains he portrays in his limited filmography.
- Danielle "Bhad Bhabie" Bregoli and Bella Thorne - Hateful music video in which online "predator" has Bhad Bhabie cast a hot metal branding iron spelling "PEDO" into his face.
Internet celebrities of note:
- Paul Joseph Watson (InfoWars allied YouTuber and Social Media Personality based in South London (UK), but with global/US reach. Like with many such revenue-dependent personalities, he changes his opinion on pedophiles depending on what point he is trying to make) - "If paedophiles truly want to give something back to society, it shouldn’t be in the form of some whiny opinion pieces published by major news outlets in the hope that we can support and understand them better, it should be in the form of a bullet to the head! That’s the only action a paedophile can take that I will understand and support."
- June “Shoe0nhead” Lapine - Makes several videos about “MAPs” and “pedophiles”.
- Steven Crowder - Once made an arcticle praising a 15-year old from Brazil dressed as Spider-Man who beat up a man trying to meet a “14-year old girl” (which is legal in Brazil) who was actually the teenager’s decoy.
- Blaire White - Transgender personality who makes hate videos on “MAPs”.
- Giulia-Christina “READY TO GLARE” Phillipp - Female YouTuber always rants on about “pedophiles”, “MAPs”, “Zoophiles”, etc.
- Daniel “Repzion” Sluzbach - Constantly makes “files” videos of “pedophiles” and “predators” such as Nathan Larson and Onision.
- Blair “iilluminaughtii” Zoń - Made the video “What you need to know about MAPs”.
- Angela N. Tristan - “Sister” of “Alaskan Avenger” Jason Vukovich, campaigns for her “brother” to be released from prison.
- Dr. Shaym - Although an anti-feminist, he is a total cuck to their antisex ideology. He posted a comment on the Savannah Ape’s video on June “Shoe0nhead” Lapine, saying that “People hating you doesn’t make you some kind of oppressed, misunderstood minority. Sometimes, people deserve to be hated.”. He also supports the idea that females can be sex offenders (the female sex offender charade), and talks negatively about female “predators”.
- VeggieTales (Christian childrens animator/educators)[5] - "it would be very funny if all pedophiles, MAPs and NOMAPs died simultaneously in agony."
- “Mr. Dapperton” - Fake “libertarian”/“ancap” (many such cases) responsible for banning Leon’s “Youth Liberation” channel. Him and his friends (“Daps”) had also done plenty against “pedophiles” (some of which are hebephiles and even ephebophiles).
- Gage TheLoudmouth - YouTuber who constantly goes on about how MAPs are about to act out. Appears to be projecting some kind of insecurity.
- Ernie Allen, Dennis DeConcini, Jeff Koons, Franz Humer - NCMEC and ICMEC figures past and present - well linked in the world of business.
- Nikki Craft - Insane political activist/feminist who attacks the nudist movement.
- Anita Bryant - Traditionalist of Save our Children fame. Believes that homosexuals "recruit" children and then molest them.
- Kee MacFarlane - McMartin Satanic Ritual Abuse social worker who developed the anatomically correct doll method of interrogating children.[6]
- Gail Dines - Feminist anti pornography extremist - media-friendly hysteric.
- Len Sperry - A Medical Doctor and PhD who specialises in the "medicine" and "biology" of family relationships. Condemns what he calls pedophilia as an immoral act, a crime and a mental disorder.
- Sharon Araji - Historically affiliated with David Finkelhor. Writing with the agenda of expanding the envelope to "sexually violent" prepubescents.
- David Spiegel - Leadership Council zealot who invoked "moral outrage" and "sleazy exploitation" in the Rind et al affair.[7]
- Joyanna Silberg - Prominent Leadership Council member, advocate of Dissociative identity Disorder.
- Ross Cheit - Leadership Council member. Tendentious on day care/satanic ritual abuse.[8]
- Samuel Janus - Opportunist sexologist who wrote such tendentious works as The Death of Innocence - how our children are endangered by the new sexual freedom.[9]
- Jeffrey Masson - Influential writer of The Assault on Truth, revived the concept of repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse ("seduction theory") by twisting Freud.[10]
- Barbara Rogers - Therapist and opportunist. Author of Screams from Childhood[11]
- Dr. Sharon Cooper - Talking head in the media, runs consultancy on child abuse.[12]
- William N. Friedrich - Late Professor in the Mayo Medical School and a Consultant at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Devised Child Sexual Behaviour Inventory.
- Jennifer L. Fisher, Carrie Anne Dittner (Mayo Clinic), Robert Acton (Children's Hospital, Calgary), Lucy Berliner (Harborview Sexual Assault Center, at least one book for APSAC) Judy Butler (Emmanuel Hospital) Linda Damon (San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic), W. Hobart Davies (Children's Hospital of Wisconsin) Alison Gray (STEP Program) were all involved in a sympathetic review of Friedrich's CSBI.
- John E. B. Myers - Expertise grifter. Has published numerous books, inc. for APSAC. "His writing has been cited by more than 150 courts, including the United States Supreme Court and the California Supreme Court." Pro-establishment dufus.[13]
- Judith Cohen - MD, Traumatological/Child/Adolescent Psychiatrist, was the chief ‘expert witness' supporting the obscenely delusional Nicole Althaus.[15]
- Roland Summit - Recognised along with Finkelhor as a founding father of CSA, used incest model to expand intrinsic harm theory in the 80s. Similarly implied in ritual abuse scare.
- Ann Burgess - Still living. Nutty Nurse, incredibly stupid, but central to the intensification of the CSA scare in the 1980s.[16]
- Diana Russell - Dead radical feminist "researcher".[17]
Politics, Law and Enforcement
- Fmr Senator Florence Shapiro of Texas - In 1995, she authored a series of bills entitled ‘Ashley’s Laws’, introducing sex offender registration and increasing the measures for investigating, prosecuting and punishing SOs. The case involved was later dismissed due to DNA evidence.
- Terri Moore[18] - Operation Avalanche's Predatory Attorney who pursued an age verification company because 1 in every 200 of the websites it provided services to were delinquent and served child pornography. Despite the fact the website owner was trying to co-operate with law enforcement, she nevertheless took advantage for her own career gain, and is accused by her victim of witness intimidation, evidence suppression and solicitation of perjured testimony. “I put that smut peddler away for life.”[19]
- Jerry Keen and David Ralston - Georgia State Representatives, "two men most directly responsible for the passage of Georgia's draconian sex offender laws".
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - "Jessica’s Law, also known as Proposition 83, which was passed overwhelmingly by California voters in 2006, required that every paroled sex offender be monitored by GPS." Californians could track sex offenders online, but the expensive regulations never lived up to expectations.
- Bobby Jindal - Fmr Louisiana Governor, promised to fight Sex Offenders with new laws. Now works for an investment firm.
- Richard Blumenthal - Has been AG and Senator for Conn. Has been a frequent media rabble-rouser on internet-related issues.[20]
- Ed Jagels - Former prosecutor. "Renowned as one of California's toughest district attorneys, built his career on the Kern County child molestation cases of the 1980s, putting more than two dozen men and women behind bars to serve decades-long sentences for abusing children".
- See also vigilantes and Wikipedia: Anti-pedophile Activism.

Following the closure of Perverted Justice, most online activity against organizations takes place under Anonymous. However, America has the same kind of localized, individualized "pedo-hunting" as other countries in the anglosphere, with the added danger of public registries. This is eluded to by multiple SOL Reform and Registry Reform organizations/blogs - Once Fallen being an example. Groups of vigilantes have included No Peace For Predators, POP Squad (Connecticut) and KTS (Keep Them Safe) Predator Hunters LLC.
- "Lola the little" - Teenage pedo-hunter who entrapped Amos Yee and was supported by adult pedo-hunters, despite being a minor herself.[21]
- “MamaMax” (YouTuber) - Max made several “predator hunter” videos, was responsible for the closure of KidsChat and because they “protected predators”, and has even accused YouTube of protecting “predators” (something which is absolute bullshit) because they removed his first “pedo-hunter” video, sparking the hysterical hashtag “#AnswerUsPedoTube”. Ryan/“Nexpo” is MamaMax’s associate. Nick Crowley - Became an associate of MamaMax, has made several videos on “predators” on YouTube.
- “Quibit” - Has made Discord “predator” hunting videos.
- Belle DeMasi - Was responsible for campaigns against Nathan Larson (a misogynistic internet celebrity who is also an active hebephile), and his website
- Zach “Anxiety War” Sweers - YouTube predator hunter. Supported by Tony Bomboni.
- Wendell Kreuth and Bradley Willman[22] - Predator Hunter (defunct) vigilante.
- Marina H - Publicly known as Stitches77, lead-writer for hateblog Absolute Zero (defunct).
- For already profiled individuals (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here and organizations here.
- Rebekah Wade - Editor of The Sun, frequently ran "paedo" witch-hunt stories for The News of the World.
- Julie Bindel - Has stated a position that would not allow for the existence of a non-offending pedophile, or at least distinguishing them from rapists. Anti-sex work feminist.[23]
- Chris Ryan, Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, Dale Winton, Daniella Westbrook, Bruce Jones, "Big" Ron Atkinson, Tricia Penrose, Barry Cryer, Dickie Bird and Sharon Henderson all supported Sarah's Law, writing emotion-laden endorsements for the News of the World. Actor, Danny Dyer called for "stiffer sentences" for "paedophiles".
- Gabby Logan - TV presenter, mentality similar to Carol Vorderman. Has done the introduction to the "Child-Safe in Sport" video, which was filmed at Wembley Stadium, England. Child-Safe ambassador. Sarah's Law supporter, "I think Sarah's Law is a great idea because anyone who commits this kind of crime against children has forsaken their right to civil liberties and freedom. A parent's right to protect their child is imperative."
- Susan Osman - BBC News Presenter. Child-Safe endorsement/ambassador.
- Nick Ross - TV presenter, Child-Safe ambassador/works for, generally crime-related advocacy.
- John “Johnny Rotten” Lydon - Bragged about killing Jimmy Savile in 1978 because of “seediness that we’re not allowed to talk about”.
- Mark Scott - (ex Musician who used the death of Sarah Payne to advance his career, campaigning for Sarah's Law and using the fully supportive Murdoch Media to achieve this aim. He failed, probably because he is an extremely bad musician.
- Roger Moore - Dead actor and UNICEF ambassador who was prone to making grandiose proclamations on the sexual misery of children.
- Richard Griffiths - Dead, childless (but married) actor who repeatedly appeared in the media, proposing bizarre and gruesome torture of pedophiles (see List of anti-MAP quotes) whilst claiming at the same time to dislike children. Possible closet - we may never know.
- Trevor McDonald - Retired presenter. Anchored numerous specials on various pedophile scares in the 2000s.
- Martin Bashir - Emotionalistic, disgraced reporter.
- Peaches Geldof - Dead TV Personality. Exposed the names of two mothers involved in the Ian Watkins case.
- Mark Williams-Thomas[25] - Consultant and TV personality.
- Donald Findlater - Head of Stop it Now UK, media talking head who is obsessed with CP.
- Prof Jessica Ringrose - of the UCL Institute of Education. Frequent agitator on anti-digital rights - sanitizing the online experience of the young.
- Don Grubin - Newcastle University - based North American psychiatrist, implementing the harshest sex-offender treatments on trial by the government, including compulsory lie-detectors. Frequent talking head in the media.
- Michele Elliot - Kidscape figurehead, regularly appeared on TV to incite hysteria and holds particularly backward views on parenting.
- Claude Knights - Kidscape's former CEO.
- Esther Rantzen - Prolific TV hostess who founded Childline, NSPCC links, now admits her role in drumming up paranoia.
- Marilyn Hawes - "Concerned Mum" who founded the Enough Abuse consultancy with Michele Elliot after her boys had sex with their headmaster. Talking head even today.
- Tink Palmer MBE - Social Worker associated with Stop it Now, Marie Collins, Childnet, former IWF Board[26]
- Kate and Gerry McCann - Monopolised on the kidnapping (or possibly their own disposal) of their young daughter, blaming "paedophilia" and calling for a Europe-wide sex offender registry.
- Kirk Wayne - Prolific and implausible accuser of Jonathan King.
- Sara Payne - Mother of the murdered girl, Sarah. Has ridden the wave of publicity surrounding her daughter's death, helped found Phoenix Survivors, appointed MBE and Gov. "Victim's Champion".

- Tracy Edwards MBE - Semi-celebrity and CEOP worker.
- Ray Wyre - Dead child protection consultant, considerable influence in the development of panic.
Politics, Law and Enforcement
- Keir Starmer - The Labour Leader/former Director of Public Prosecutions has frequently taken advantage.[27]
- Tom Watson - Another high-profile Labour figure who front-ran their damaging, but discredited attacks on supposed establishment pedophiles.
- Sajid Javid - Has called for the marriage age to be raised to 18. Also responsible for internet laws to “protect children”.
- Charles Clarke - Former Home Secretary, frequently pandered to hysteria, organises with CSA charities. Child-Safe endorsement.
- John Reid - As above: Former Home Secretary, frequently pandered to hysteria, organises with CSA charities. Child-Safe endorsement.
- Dan Norris - Labour politician, frequently uses child sex to further his career, Sarah's Law supporter. "In 20 years of experience in child protection I have had the misfortune to work with many paedophiles".
- Helena Kennedy - Baroness with a long history of CSA campaigning, including TV. Recently took up a civil-libertarian POV, though.
- Sir Ronald Waterhouse - Former judge who headed Britain's biggest ever inquiry into child abuse. Sarah's Law supporter, spreads (probably knowingly) misinformation about recidivism.
- Jim Gamble - Former head of CEOP. One of the most unwaveringly authoritarian of talking heads on this issue.
- Lord Stevens - former Met Police Chief, Sarah's Law supporter.
- Bob McLachlan - Former Head of Scotland Yard's Paedophile Squad, Sarah's Law supporter.
- The late Geoffrey Dickens - Campaigned against suspected “pedophile rings” in the UK Parliament in the 1980s, and also campaigned against the Paedophile Information Exchange, and called out members such as Peter Hayman.
- See also vigilantes and Wikipedia: Anti-pedophile Activism.
Hunting of sexual deviants (using fake profiles - usually of minors) is now considered a traditional "sport" in Northern England and working class communities, carried out for entertainment and highly localized. Traditional British vigilance outfits past and present: Dark Justice (Newcastle), Predator Exposure (Leeds), Letzgo Hunting (Leicestershire), Guardians of the North, Our Team, Yorkshire Child Protectors, Huntz 2 Exposure, Creep Catchers UK, Justice4Children, Confronted and Caught, The Hunted One, Keeping Kids Safe, Justice Reborn (NI), True Justice, etc documented in multiple media stories and TV documentaries. Noncewatch (of Redwatch) was one earlier organization of the far-right, concerned with profiling supposed "pedophiles" (or Nonces, in local slang). Far right groups including the BNP, National Front, EDL and National Action have always aggressively opposed MAPs.
- Stinson Hunter - Best known for his role in the documentary, The Paedophile Hunter. The Guardian published an article referencing the film, and reporting the estimated 10 active pedophile hunting groups in the UK.[28]
- Chris Wittwer - Insane Facebook harasser who compiled a database of offenders and incited mobs. Credited with sending an agitated mob "the size of a small football crowd" to the home of the late Nigel Leigh Oldfield, resulting in violence.
- Mike Fox - English “paedophile” hunter, mostly reacts to “predator hunter” videos now.
- Kenny Abbott - Northern Irish "paedo hunter".
Other countries
- Alaric Naude - Pseudo-academic who compiled a paranoid polemic on B4U-Act and Prostasia Foundation, making various unsubstantiated accusations.[29]
- Shmuel Vaknin - Self-promoting Israeli pseudo-academic who writes absurd and derogatory nonsense about pedophiles.
- Ireen van Engelen - Dutch anti-ped who has investigated Ipce.
- Queen Silvia of Sweden - Frequent media-friendly agitator on Child Abuse and Child Pornography, "World Childhood Foundation" figurehead, ECPAT patron.
- For already profiled individuals (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here and organizations here.
- Anna Slatz - Stalker/journalist/fembot with little credibility but lots of determination. Her reach is North America and global, due to the online nature of her amateur sleuthing.
- Matt Watson (MattsWhatItIs) - Youtuber who initiated the third Adpocalypse - campaign of pedohysteria against private companies.[30]
- Allen “FLuffeeTalks” Buckle - Made a video called “Kill All Pedophiles!”. Hard to tell if he is genuinely unhinged.
- Creep Catchers Canada - Justin Payne; Canadian “predator hunter” leader.

- Howard Barbaree - Researcher. Argues for an over-broad, part-behavioural definition of pedophilia for the purpose of "taxonomic" efficiency.[31]
- Landon Pearson - Retired. Vice-chair of the Canadian Commission for the International Year of the Child and editor of the report, "For Canada's Children: National Agenda for Action" in 1979; president then chair of the Canadian Council on Children and Youth from 1984-1990; founder and chair of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children until her appointment to the Senate of Canada in 1994. Named personal representative of Prime Minister Jean Chretien to the 2001 Special Session on Children of the UN General Assembly in June 1999. Child-Safe ambassador.[32]
- For already profiled individuals (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here and organizations here.
- Dr Michael Salter - Adviser to Australian and Canadian Governments. Satanic Ritual Abuse revivalist.[33][34] Believes taboo porn should be banned, according to Prostasia Foundation.
- Derryn Hinch - Media personality, former Senator and serially convicted criminal harasser of sex offenders.[35]
- Antipaedophile Party - Dissolved single-issue political party which was represented by an accessory to murder.[36]
- Hetty Johnston - Recently retired, Australian white balloon day and Bravehearts founder, opportunist, unbounded hysteric/media advocate.
- Vaughan Johnson - Retired MP who called for pedophiles to kill themselves "If they all went and did it first up, we wouldn't have this problem. They must be guilty if they commit suicide ... maybe I am too harsh but I've got no time for that." (Did Johnson used to do witch trials in a previous life?)
- Freda Briggs - Dead Emeritus Professor of Child Development at the University of South Australia, Child Abuse researcher, educator, writer. Child-Safe ambassador/Bravehearts supporter.
- For already profiled individuals (including sympathetic and unsympathetic), see here and organizations here.
- Justin Barrett - Leader of the National Party Ireland, which staged a “March for Innocence” rally in Dublin in 2020. His party, the National Party Ireland, also calls for “pedophiles” to be sentenced to death.
- Clifford Reid - Failed European Parliament candidate, ran on "stop the paedophiles" - a campaign to publicly identify and electronically tag all convicted sex offenders after their release.
- Jean Jacques Rousseau - A historical proponent of children's sexual innocence - foundational to the upward extension of childhood in the post industrial era.[37]
External links
- Wikipedia - Anti-pedophile Activism.
- Day of Reckoning - Now archived, out of date, but still useful. Probably edited by Brian Rothery.
- ↑ YouTubers fear looming ‘adpocalypse’ after child exploitation controversy
- ↑ Evan Rachel Wood
- ↑ Morissette
- ↑ Cam'ron
- ↑ VeggieTales
- ↑ MacFarlane
- ↑ LC - Spiegel
- ↑ Cheit
- ↑ Samuel Janus
- ↑ Jeffrey Masson
- ↑ Barbara Rogers - Screams from Childhood
- ↑ Cooper - Trafficking
- ↑ Myers
- ↑ Briere, Briere 2
- ↑ Judith Cohen
- ↑ AWB, AWB 2, AWB 3, AWB 4
- ↑ Russell
- ↑ [ Moore personal site]
- ↑ Operation Avalanche - Thomas Reedy
- ↑ Blumenthal
- ↑ Amos Yee sentencing
- ↑ Willman
- ↑ Julie Bindel
- ↑ John Carr/Brit Trauma/Thoughtcrime industry
- ↑ MWT Website
- ↑ Tink Palmer ex-IWF
- ↑ Starmer
- ↑ Stinson Hunter - Wikipedia
- ↑ Reduxx (TERFs) - EXCLUSIVE: Prostasia Forced Academic Journal to Delete Critical Research
- ↑ Matt Watson
- ↑ Barbaree
- ↑ Landon Pearson
- ↑ Salter - SRA
- ↑ Salter - profile
- ↑ Hinch
- ↑ Aussie Anti-paedo Party
- ↑ Emile, or On Education
- Official Encyclopedia
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- People: Israeli
- People: Swedish
- People: Unknown Nationality
- People: Deceased
- People: Academics
- People: Ranting AntiPeds
- People: Unsympathetic Activists
- People: Popular Authors
- People: Pseudoscientists
- People: Media
- People: Vigilantes