NewgonWiki Research Project
Hubbard, Angelides, Tromovitch Andersson, Butler, Breslow Walker, Janssen, Finkelhor Rind, Thompson, Edelman Sinason, Abel, Malesky
Leahy, Lautmann, Herdt Yuill, Kincaid, Sonenschein Effects of pornography De Young Dallam, Jackson
Reich, Foucault, Kinsey Percy, Bullough, Bernard Hekma, Martinson, Tripp Simon, Holt, Kentler Brongersma, Plummer Fink, Reisman, Densen-Gerber Whitfield
Queer Theory, Minor-adult sex, CSA Hebephilia, Pedophilia Censorship, Anal wink Preventionism, Penile Plethysmography Masturbation, Inner child, CSBI IICSA, Heteronormativity Repressed memory, David Riegel Kent State Study, Covert incest COPINE Scale, Cognitive distortion Adolescence, Abel screening Erwin Schrodinger, Carleton Gajdusek
Ipce, FSRS, B4U-ACT The Leadership Council, NARTH Historical relationships Nonwestern relationships Double-Taboo (Incest, Prostitution) Evolutionary Perspectives