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Diederik Janssen

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Part of NewgonWiki's
series on Academia
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Diederik Janssen, MD is a (MD in 2001) critical analyst known not for his writings on medicine, but instead, anthropology and young masculinities. Janssen has compiled a large database (below) of anthropological knowledge on the sexual upbringing of children in various cultures across the world.

A former student at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Janssen is also credited as a (founding) editor of a number of journals on masculinity, including Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies, which contains occasional commentary on boyhood sexualities.

We have begun summarizing Jannsen's anthropological survey of youth sexualities, on our 'Activating Jannsen' page here.

External links

  • Thymos - Example, website now discontinued.
  • GUS