Special Article: Anti-c MAP Tumblr, Twitter and Fediverse - Material for Character Analysis: Difference between revisions

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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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File:Degenerate.png|Keep mapness deviant and degenerate
File:Degenerate.png|Keep mapness deviant and degenerate
File:1000007690.jpg|Typical messaging
File:1000007690.jpg|Typical messaging
File:Screenshot 2023-09-06 145645.png|Glorification of the normal a red-line
File:Screenshot 2024-03-20 123650.png|Fan of modeling
File:Screenshot 2024-03-20 123650.png|Fan of modeling
File:Screenshot 2023-10-19 233049.png|More models
File:Screenshot 2023-10-19 233049.png|More models
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File:Screenshot 2023-09-22 194444.png|History, according to Dave
File:Screenshot 2023-09-22 194444.png|History, according to Dave
File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 233810.png|Newgon is cryptofascist
File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 233810.png|Newgon is cryptofascist
File:Screenshot 2023-09-08 110351.png|I will not read the explanation I asked for...
File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 131620.png|Dictionary definition of "fascism" = fascist apologia
File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 131620.png|Dictionary definition of "fascism" = fascist apologia
File:Screenshot 2024-04-04 073304.png|Anti-c's on Newgon
File:Screenshot 2024-04-04 073304.png|Anti-c's on Newgon
File:Screenshot 2024-06-16 221247.png|Take on controversy over Newgon suggesting registrar report as solution to doxxing
File:Screenshot 2024-06-16 221247.png|Take on controversy over Newgon suggesting registrar report as solution to doxxing
File:Screenshot 2023-08-11 214054.png|Newgon's Youjo account
File:Screenshot 2024-06-16 204647.png|Actual Newgon opinion on moderating community
File:Screenshot 2024-06-16 204647.png|Actual Newgon opinion on moderating community
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 035536.png|More
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 035536.png|More
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 035506.png|More
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 035506.png|More
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 054127.png|Olive-branch offered to anti-c's
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 054127.png|Olive-branch offered to anti-c's
File:Screenshot 2023-08-21 195648.png|Newgon's Yesmap was always open to anti-c's
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 055921.png|<small>It was a running joke for the Newgon account to speculate on inventive ways the enormous NewgonWiki might be deemed "fascist". These were sometimes realized.</small>
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 055921.png|<small>It was a running joke for the Newgon account to speculate on inventive ways the enormous NewgonWiki might be deemed "fascist". These were sometimes realized.</small>
File:Screenshot 2023-08-04 130837.png|Newgon was criticized for rational critique of [[Pedophilia OCD]]
File:Screenshot 2023-08-04 131019.png|"POCD" dialogue
File:Lecterzeeb.png|They must be transphobic somehow; we'll make it make sense
File:Lecterzeeb.png|They must be transphobic somehow; we'll make it make sense
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 072233.png|Newgon view on Fedi's inversion of reality
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 072233.png|Newgon view on Fedi's inversion of reality
File:Screenshot 2023-08-27 140643.png|Pro-contact "pedophiles" a right-wing phenomenon
File:Screenshot 2023-08-25 005954.png|Attempt to defend Moira Greyland
File:Screenshot 2023-08-28 141151.png|A reminder this is what they are describing as "Newgon's harassment"
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 043642.png|<small>Newgon: Danger is not in accepting minorities as such, but how they are presented</small>
File:Screenshot 2024-06-13 043642.png|<small>Newgon: Danger is not in accepting minorities as such, but how they are presented</small>
File:Screenshot_2023-09-23_231043.png|Newgon's plea for members of the community not to enter [[PCMA]] out of curiosity
File:Screenshot_2023-09-23_231043.png|Newgon's plea for members of the community not to enter [[PCMA]] out of curiosity
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File:Screenshot 2024-03-31 135305.png|Biastophiles not a hindrance; an asset
File:Screenshot 2024-03-31 135305.png|Biastophiles not a hindrance; an asset
File:Screenshot 2023-08-22 135437.png|Erotophono (murder lust) day...
File:Screenshot 2023-08-11 015639.png|Literal pro-rape advocates... the more the merrier
File:Necryssa.png|Either a dead friend or an animal...
File:Necryssa.png|Either a dead friend or an animal...
File:Screenshot 2023-09-11 012529.png|Literally half of psychiatry wants it's labels back, Necryssa
File:Screenshot 2023-09-22 224844.png|Would you rape a child?
File:Screenshot 2023-09-22 224844.png|Would you rape a child?
File:Screenshot 2024-06-05 203102.png|Necro
File:Screenshot 2024-06-05 203102.png|Necro
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File:Screenshot 2024-05-21 185722.png|Newgon asks - do some of these labels ''glow''?
File:Screenshot 2024-05-21 185722.png|Newgon asks - do some of these labels ''glow''?
File:Screenshot 2024-03-31 021431.png|Opinion of Mr. Rapist Kidfucker Esq
File:Screenshot 2024-03-31 021431.png|Opinion of Mr. Rapist Kidfucker Esq
File:Screenshot 2023-09-11 173219.png|Suck my biastopedo dick

Revision as of 21:43, 29 June 2024

This article has been published and promoted after a supposed "MAP" website editor joined a Matrix chat room (PCMA) in violation of its conditions and subsequently posted screen-caps of multiple individuals without their consent, including those experiencing mental health problems and legal difficulties: map-wiki.com/index.php/Newgon. The material documented here concerns the individuals responsible for said article, and includes others for balance.

Our article documents screen-caps from anti-contact and some neutral-c pediverse spaces for the purpose of present and future character analysis. We have only constructed detailed profiles of individuals who have been accused of malicious behavior, intending to determine the validity, or otherwise of those claims. We do not publish any information that may be personally identifying.

Malicious or illegal behavior

Early Pediverse has suffered from occasional malicious incidents. Owing to the wild-west style of federated social networks, where anybody can set up a server, this behavior has sometimes been tolerated and perpetuated by instance owners. This has led some to call for professionalization, co-operativization, or higher levels of accountability in instance leadership, or the outright redaction of particular servers by way of defederation or suspension of domain. Domain suspensions put paid to the well-known, 1000+ user servers, Lolison and Childlove.space, and seriously damaged Youjo.love.

Iris [NNIA]

Chronic, or Iris, a member of NNIA, has a long history of doxing MAPs and consorting with pedophile hunters. This has been tolerated by the instance admin, Lecter, possibly because of compromising information held by Iris, one of his former online dates.

At the time of writing, Iris has not attempted to question the veracity of these screens. This is important, as they have a track record of changing their story suddenly.

Lecter [NNIA Admin]

Lecter's activities are technically illegal in Russia itself by virtue of LGBT/Pedophile propaganda censorship, so we concur with server members who suggested an alternative location.[4] This section focuses on more broadly malicious or illegal acts.

When we analyzed the online activities of Lecter, we came to the conclusion that many of his problematic behaviors are downstream of, or dependant upon his relations with others, including Iris, who holds compromising information on him. Lecter is associated with the online paraphile community, known for its links to various fandoms, anti-fandoms, Zoosadist controversies and a range of truly disturbed individuals such as Zrcalo, all of whom are beyond the scope of this article. It is a sad fact that the sum effect of these online dramas has not been to improve the status of invalidated sexual minorities, and has instead emboldened harassers.

While we do not consider Lecter himself a deeply malicious individual, it is unfortunate our community has not been able to take action to reduce his influence.

The instance (NNIA) itself appears to be on top of illegal material, just like others are. Outliers such as users posting unredacted requests for illegal material had existed, but did not seem common, nor religiously covered up, undermining the "grooming" accusations.


Expedient use of dishonesty

The below examples document evidence of admins using or supporting dishonest tactics for expedient reasons. Such actions may be seen as justifiable under some interpretations, and within their wider context.

Kay Faraday [FU Admin - former]

Kay Faraday, the former admin of freak.university (a highly successful pediverse instance) has shared compromising information about and entertained the idea of doxing other MAPs. This was often in the context of humor and irony, but had caused concern within the community due to her position at the time.

At this point, she is not active in administrating Fediverse instances, so is not considered an appropriate target for deeper character analysis.

Jim Burton [Yesmap Matrix Admin - former]

Strategic lead of Newgon Organization. Yesmap Matrix Admin - former, Yesmap Fedi Admin - current.

Jim Burton appeared to agree with the idea of using reporting mechanisms to attack the relationship of NNIA with its domain registrar, ideas that were discussed on the Yesmap Matrix server. This was in response to the above documented malicious conduct and apparent unwillingness of NNIA admin Lecter to leave post.

Violet Rose [FU, others]

User whose presence confused many as she seemed to exist only to sow division, supposedly "bullying" various individuals from different ends of the community. Made two accounts on the Yesmap server, appearing to "suck up" to key members, only to suddenly have unprovoked outbursts which resulted in bans.


This section includes less-extreme content intended to reflect broadly on the personalities of profiled individuals for whom malicious/and or illegal behavior is indicated.



Cult claims

Former NNIA members often claim to have experienced cult-like conditions. These claims have been investigated by Newgon and found to be false, both by analysis of alleged "cult"/"grooming" activities and probabilistic methods.


Lecter (a self-identified authoritarian) has an obsession with language-policing, sometimes supported by others, but never quite as vainly.[6] This has been realized in a series of bizarre threads. It is generally denied this is "thought policing", as the clique totally binarizes thoughts and behavior.

Separatism and Defederation

Lecter has at times signified the need to keep MAP spaces "deviant" and "degenerate", opposing attempts to expand the movement by capitalizing upon the considerable numbers of hebephiles who do not count themselves as members, or consider adoption of the stigma too risky. As a paraphilic hebephile, opposing political involvement of non-paraphilic hebephiles has been a balancing act for Lecter; something he appears to be fearful of, but something that might potentially sustain the community, and that is hard to fully denounce.

Often, the rationale given for defederation of individuals and entire instances, while related to alleged harassment, in fact follows a pattern of Validity Policing. Illegal content aside, civil disagreement (individual bans), or uncivil individuals (instance bans) are the most common causes for defederation, suggesting control of discourse is more of a concern than civility, for NNIA.

"Newgon" conspiracy/anti-religious/anti-cult loading

PCMA server members have witnessed a number of unusual messages appearing on Fediverse instances (initially NNIA) since late 2021/2022. Usually, such messages mobilize the familiar language of antireligion/anticult/sectarianism to denounce "Newgon" as a monolithic entity that has committed grave historical harms; harrassment, standing by while others are harmed, appeasement, legitimizing malign voices, etc. These accusations are always made without support, appear to emanate from just a few accounts and bear no relation to the experiences of server members, nor their generally positive reception among MAPs on social media. One Jewish server admin has compared the vague and illogical nature of this emotionalism to that of Antisemitic canards and gaslighting.

As can be seen, the accusations are often embarrassingly off-point, attempting to depict "Newgon Members" (PCMA members) as dogmatists of some sort or another. Only the dogmas so accused are not shared by the server members.


In some cases, Pediverse users have supported neo-religious concepts, anti-logic and scientific movements that have been used to attack MAPs. Some anticultist ideas used aggressively against MAPs in the 1980s (such as the inextricably linked Dissociative Identity Disorder and Satanic Ritual Abuse) have seen a revival among fiction-loving MAPs themselves on Fediverse. While these are far from uniformly supported, and we will not fully document them here, it is hoped better education can combat disinformation within the community.

One particular incident involved the childlove.space instance. While the content was legally problematic in some jurisdictions, it is somewhat revealing other fediverse members chose to focus on the ideology of but 2 or 3 of it's 1000+ members.


NNIA users have engaged other users in a series of struggle-sessions over "bad" language or "ideologies" - Katie Cruz, a MAP activist from the 00s who has concerns about the public image of MAPs has been attacked as "assimilationist" on numerous occasions.


In some cases, extreme paraphilia and psychopathy have been (sometimes falsely) linked to minor-attraction. Numerous self-identification labels and flags have appeared via NNIA and its associated Wikis, promoting identities that combine minor attraction with violent paraphilia, and states of mind. While this section below may look like a "freak show" or "rogues gallery", that is not actually the intention. Rather, it represents how hostile parties could seek to misrepresent our community and attack the most vulnerable among us.

The justification given for adoption of these identities is intersectionality, which may occasionally be valid on an individual basis. While the identities concerned are anti-contact, and may or may not be adopted in good-faith, there is a potential here (with the wrong kind of attention) to further harm and undermine invalidated groups such as MAPs. Said tactic was used deliberately against the original FST platform in 2022 (fake pro child rape accounts) and had previously been mentioned by a founder of B4U-ACT, Russell Dick.

Of the above individuals, we are aware the identity "Dave" is known for being deliberately outrageous, and migrated to the Oddballs instance and others at a later date. Grooming-based identity was nevertheless defended full-throatedly by Lecter. Necryssa is a regular poster on NNIA, who we believe not to be an alt account. The "pedosadist", we are reliably informed has been accepted as moderator at an almost unknown and inactive MAP Forum. The origin of the others is unknown, many may be sock puppets, owing to the large number of plural systems on the instance.

One argument in support of projecting extreme identities such as those described above, is that others unaware of the relatively low levels of psychopathy among MAPs, may be more inclined to believe you are hiding nothing. Arguing this way might lend support to the idea that even extreme and violent impulses can be controlled, but could do harm by associating them with attraction to minors.

Pride flags

Virtually every pride flag imaginable has been designed and/or uploaded to Paraphilia Flags Wiki by one NNIA member or another. While the combinations might seem suspicious or extreme in some way, readers soon become desensitized to the sheer range of identities on offer.[8] In 2023, even a grooming flag featuring hard candy became available![9][10] It should be noted that all such identities are assumed to be anti-contact, so the extremity can ultimately be unlimited.

There have been attempts from outside of the paraphile community to coin pride-flags based on designs similar to the MAP Flag. See "rapesexual", for example.[11] The NNIA-associated Flag Wiki intersects biastophilia (attraction to rape) with attraction to minors in roughly half of the graphics mentioning biastophilia.[12]


Material on this page is unaltered, shared under fair-use and for the purpose of research. We also consider it a necessary retaliation against mass-scale non-consensual sharing of chatlogs by prominent NNIA members/administration.

If you are not a profiled individual within this collection, and wish for your social screen name to be removed from the screen caps, we are able to do this if you contact us directly.