MAP visibility on Twitter, founded in 2006, has seen above-average levels of MAP visibility for most of its lifetime. In some instances, this has been because of controversies surrounding MAP communities, researchers, and MAP sympathizers present on In others, MAPs or trolls have carried out sometimes elaborate hoaxes in order to gain publicity. This is perhaps surprising, given that early on in its development, Twitter even hired a former Perverted Justice volunteer as "Trust and Safety" personnel.[2] Ultimately, is seen as the "purest social" in concept (an open town-square for political debate), and perhaps this is what has most attracted MAPs to the medium. Over this period, MAPs and MAP activists have faced varying levels of censorship from Twitter moderation, bonding and even intermingling with other marginalized communities, and continue to create new accounts.
It is important to mention, that Twitter operates a double standard, not only in relation to those who habitually harass MAPs, Zoophiles and other invalidated minorities, but by favoring "other" groups such as Lolicons. One poplular Lolicon account @CunnyDatabase has, as of 2021, repeatedly posted obscure memes attempting to distance itself from MAPs, while baselessly accusing other members of trading in pornography in a prolonged campaign of libel.
The "NOMAP" years
Twitter has had self-identifying MAP accounts (e.g. Marthijn Uittenbogaard) for some time.[3] Steve Diamond[4] and Todd Nickerson are other prominent examples, and Viamund was thought to have over 10,000 followers, although no archives exist. Thomas O'Carroll was active around 2014.[5] A NOMAP contingent was also visible ever since said movement was founded.[6][7][8] Validity policing and harassment is known to take place, but this has not stopped groups of MAPs forming communities; often with private accounts. A small, select group of MAP activists are also well-seasoned social media debaters, searching the site for threads to engage with. Long-time self-identifying boylover, Steve Diamond wrote the following in 2021:
I am a MAP, and a human rights advocate. I've had a Twitter account for over ten years, in good standing. I observed and followed Twitter's TOS, rules and policies with great care. This account was very active for at least six years, where I was interacting with a wide range of people on a wide range of subjects. I actually had over 1,500 followers. As to MAP activities, I simply left myself open to discussing them with those who willingly approached me. I helped share and exchange studies/research and news articles relevant to MAP issues. And I did a lot of good nature participation in a hashtag called "#mappositivity", posting things so mild, humorous and uplifting, nobody in their right mind would actually be able to take issue with it.
Enter the "Pride and Joy Only Belongs to Us" LGBTQ Twitter Mafia, and waves of nasty abusive, threatening Holier That Thous, who maliciously flooded MAP hashtags like #mappositivity with graphic gore (pictures and videos of people being murdered), violent threats, dehumanization of MAPs, and endless calls for banning MAPs from Twitter (even in the face of the fact, that we were in violation of no Twitter rules or policies). This went on for about a year, at the hands of these lunatics. An endless onslaught of abusive provocation and threats. I took up reporting them, and even had a thread on Twitter where I was posting screen captures of the responses from Twitter...They used to thank me, over and over, for "helping to keep Twitter safe"...and I helped take down several hundred accounts of these nasty people.
In addition, despite what some of these people may tell you today, there were a number of us MAPs (including myself), who were also reporting and trying to get out of our hashtags anyone who was seemingly offering anything illegal (MAP hashtags were never for this purpose). Again, Twitter used to thank me for being this sort of guardian on it's platform.[9]
Twitter had seen fake MAP publicity efforts in the 2010s, such as the ludicrous Clovergender and Heart Progress, which displayed all the hallmarks of right-wing attempts to smear liberals and the LGBT community. Bernie Najaran (an independent researcher of social media trends) wrote voluminously about this period in the MAP Movement's development in 2018 and 2019.[10]
Genuine MAPs and NOMAPs were also banned in the 10s, but overall MAP membership saw a boom in the time leading up to and during the MAP Flag publicity of '18 and '19,[11][12] after various professionals lobbied Twitter to permit MAP discourse.[13] Twitter also saw an influx of anti-contact Tumblr MAPs, following purges in mid to late 2018.[14] MAP Activists such as Katie Cruz wrote guides and blogs in 2018 and 2019, describing the moderation situation as reasonably tolerant.[15][16] At this point, the UK's Telegraph newspaper got wind of what was going on, and published an investigation, calling out the social media platform.[17] Unfortunately many[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] were banned in the months following, and by October 2020, "promoting or normalizing sexual attraction to minors as a form of identity or sexual orientation"[26] was defined as counter to the T+C, and purges continued.
2021 and onward: The pro-c renaissance
Small groups of determined sock puppeteers nevertheless persisted, and tended to be banned after a number of reports mounted up. In late 2021 and early 2022, a mini-resurgence was underway, and tweets by well-known MAPs and allies were known to have attracted over 20 likes and were retweeted over 1/2000 times (mainly by hostile actors). By this point, a considerable "gooning" community had also emerged - i.e. people who use social media to exchange taboo sexual fantasies, which often involve age-dynamics.
Newgon Organization, upon its reopening in 2021, pivoted to a strategy of funding a chat server to organize the setting up of multiple politically-geared Twitter accounts, in an effort to increase MAP visibility. Their Twitter account's official "arrival" in 2022 was met with over 30 likes on some posts, but the account was repeatedly banned and recreated.[27] On one occasion, when a member of the server checked his analytics, a tweet gained over 1 million impressions and 40,000 engagements after it was retweeted by culture war icon, Jordan Peterson. This was something that server members would repeat on multiple occasions over the following months and years. By mid-2022, "groomer" panic and attacks on the LGBT community had forced Twitter to once again purge their MAP user base, with major casualties including the years-old accounts of Marthijn Uittenbogaard (despite the account being used to contest his incarceration in Ecuador) and Virtuous Pedophiles. Following Musk's takeover of the platform, it became even more fashionable than ever, for bohemian/intellectual Twitter MAPs to "private" their accounts - hoping to go public if and when the situation improved. Eventually, however, Musk's cuts to moderation, trust and safety were felt, and further examples of MAP-generated content went on to gain over 1-2M views.[28] 2022 will be remembered as the year that MAPs as a topic of contention went mainstream, with multiple controversies (listed under "normalization") never far away from trending on Twitter.
In 2023, MAPs continued to engineer visibility, and one MAP-Adjacent influencer went viral after being shamed and banned by the site owner, Elon Musk. Commanding over 15M impressions, this led to further purges of MAP accounts from the platform.
Gallery and examples
Some, but far from all of these virals were started by professional activists. The PCMA group, supported by Newgon between 2021 and 2023, has at least 5 members who have already attracted over 1M impressions on a single day. Searching for username-accomodative URLs [e.g.* (with the asterisk)] in and may provide you with more information.
2017 political NOMAP discourse example
Enderphile was one such NOMAP[29]
Mid 2018 political account
Another account in mid 2018
An early outrage thread concerning the migration of political Tumblr MAPs to Twitter
In 2020, MAPs and Zoophiles fought (and lost) a war over the NHPara (non harmful Paraphilia) and CLPara (consensual Paraphilia) tags, suffering multiple suspensions
The updated Terms and Conditions of Twitter (as of Oct, 2020) would entirely prohibit the MAP Movement, if they were enforced strictly. Ironically, what eventually followed was the slow birth of pro-c political activism on Twitter.
When political messages are presented to "gooning" (taboo masturbation) accounts, they tend to get far more likes, and result in less suspensions. Agreement with these messages is debatably underpinned by sexual fantasy and deviance fetishism
A similar thread, liked by gooners
Peterson's "last frontier" (the tweet itself was said to be at 1M impressions by its writer, and most likely seeded a brain worm, as seen attached)
1M conversion as per above
Another such bait persona
"Bigger balls" bait (Twitter)
Harvey Delaney in 2022, an earlier example of success on the Yesmap/PCMA server
Further persona with 200k conversion
What went down on April 18-19/20, 2022 needs a lot of explaining[34]
April firestorm initial results...
More fallout and high-profile amplifiers. This rolling 2-day controversy even made the news.[35]
Ross/Parkinson sends UK legal community into disarray
Hysterical April 18 "ultimatum" LGBT bait from Andy Parkinson (Twitter)
Newgon Organizational account
Organizational account addresses the unusual family history of a conservative journalist who tweeted approvingly about killing pedophiles
The gooning trend continues
More likes in 2022
In late 2022, Naudé, and the conservative feminist/"gay" assimilationist front-group, Gays Against Groomers were involved in an outrage campaign against Newgon[36]
After thanking the aforementioned organization for their help, Newgon then trolled them back with Bill Maher quotes
As a side-note, the "no-pedo" Apprentice Cartographers lose their shit after threats to ban lolicon from Twitter. Only, these threats were barely actioned
3M view transage tweet referencing adjacency to MAPs
Similar meme adapted by a Newgon account, and response
2.2M mega-tweet by a MAP
Jordan Peterson and James Lindsay helping to send around 2M impressions to a pro-MAP sex-ed teacher[37]. This incident led to multiple news articles in the right-wing press, described as "hysterical".[38][39][40][41]
Often, MAPs will get over 100k impressions by posting as themselves
ZeebDemon's infamous "flag" post tipped 1M impressions, with further outrage posts from anti-trans influencers (Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis getting on for 15M!). It led to the suspension of this important pro-paraphile and youthlib influencer, and their featuring in the MSM after Elon Musk's condemnation.[42][43][44]
Rich Kershaw allegedly finds a "MAP Pride" card in a toilet at Galgate Services
Profile sighted in May, 2023 (Westfalen probably refers to "Chudjak" memes identifying the "west has fallen")
Organizations and their visibility
Various organizations with either a MAP/part-MAP membership, or an adjacency to MAP discourse, have tried, with varying degrees of success, to maintain an official presence on the platform.
- Virped from October 2015-August 2022✝[45] They continued to run the private @VirpedSpeaks account until it was banned.
- Prostasia Foundation from March 2018 to the present.
- B4U-ACT from August 2019 to the present.
- Newgon has been involved with tens of accounts (as early as 2009,[46] but primarily 2021/2022 onward), a handful of which were official, resulting in bans.
- NAMBLA is said by its present leadership to excuse itself from social media on "principled grounds".[47]
- ↑ Bernie Najarian - Twitter NOMAPs, see also later account archives (enderphile1/enderphile2, original enderphile not archived)
- ↑ Gawker: How the Weirdos Behind 'To Catch a Predator' Blew $1.2 Million and Evil-Unveiled: The BlogSpot Year…
- ↑ Twitter account of Marthijn Uittenbogaard, registered 2011
- ↑ Steve Diamond EQF archive
- ↑ Tom O'Carroll prior to his ban
- ↑ Prostasia: Twitter’s pedo-populism is a setback for prevention
- ↑ Signed letter to Twitter from Destigmatizer Scholars
- ↑ Lolcow Farm - Hostile thread documenting MAP accounts
- ↑ Steve Diamond on FST
- ↑ Bernie Najaran BoyChat Post and Web-Archive of Bernie Najaran's post
- ↑ Breitbart call-out, late 2018
- ↑ Hubpages: Problem with pedophiles
- ↑ Letter to Twitter concerning MAPs
- ↑ MAP-Wiki: Online MAP communities
- ↑ A MAP's Guide to Twitter
- ↑ Twitter’s Hate Groups Harass Jack Dorsey
- ↑ Telegraph investigation
- ↑ MAP account example 1 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 2 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 3 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 4 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 5 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 6 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 7 (links are often archived)
- ↑ MAP account example 6 (links are often archived)
- ↑ Breitbart: Twitter policy change
- ↑ This was a major shift-change in the MAP Community, in which pro-c's could proudly "come out" as online identities. Previously, they were hidden, hunted by anti-c's/antis and forced to rationalize their fake anti-c credentials. In 2020/2021, individuals such as @Chizutan_, @DrugarPedovich/@DrugarPriovich, followed by Jim Burton, (under various names) Ake, Nil, Zeebdemon, drove that change. Some, such as Chizu, Nil and Kay Faraday created fediverse instances that provided a safe-space for pro-c's. PCMA was founded. A gradual change was seen.
- ↑ RivieraB62 in a tweet that went on to be viewed over two million times (see gallery)
- ↑ Enderphile archive, suspension appeal
- ↑ MAP Wiki - Miao, Merch Shop - Miao theme
- ↑ Note: In 2022, Newgon-supported users similarly convinced Antis that the Gear emoji was code for a "Geartwt" network whose "CEO" was a black Swedish sociologist named Jamal Ross.
- ↑ Jamal Ross Archive 1
- ↑ Jamal Ross Archive 2
- ↑ One archive of Andy Parkinson
- ↑ Scottish Daily Express and Backup.
- ↑ MAPs against Groomers account
- ↑ Zara Degeneres - Thread went on to get 2M compounded views. August (earlier) copy of her account
- ↑ Florida Jolt: San Francisco Teacher Posts Lengthy Revolting Twitter Thread Defending Pedophilia, Child Sex Abuse
- ↑ Guy Benson for Townhall: Surprise: More Right-Wing 'Conspiracies' and 'Misinformation' Now Confirmed
- ↑ Teacher’s thread claiming sex between adults and minors is not ‘intrinsically harmful’ HORRIFIES Twitter
- ↑ Canada FP think piece on Zara Degeneres
- ↑ Daily Mail on Zeeb's controversy
- ↑ FOX on Zeeb's controversy
- ↑ UFC Fighter on Zeeb
- ↑ Virped Archive
- ↑ Boeotia Newgon French Language Support - Official Account
- ↑ By personal communication between NAMBLA Management and Newgon Strategist, 2022.