Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of false claims by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

Minor attracted community: Difference between revisions

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File:Peterson.png|Peterson's "last frontier" <small>(the tweet itself was said to be at 1M impressions by its writer)</small>
File:Peterson.png|Peterson's "last frontier" <small>(the tweet itself was said to be at 1M impressions by its writer)</small>
File:Ratio3.png|"Bigger balls" bait (Twitter)
File:Ratio3.png|"Bigger balls" bait (Twitter)
File:Ratiooooo.png|Jamal Ross "suck it up" tweet
File:Ratiooooo.png|Jamal Ross<ref>[https://archive.ph/tnUyS Jamal Ross Archive 1]</ref><ref>[https://archive.ph/lGO0K Jamal Ross Archive 2]</ref> "suck it up" tweet
File:Parkinsonadvice.png|Andy Parkinson asks for advice (Twitter) on April 18, 2022, a day of rolling controversies concerning political MAPs
File:Parkinsonadvice.png|Andy Parkinson asks for advice (Twitter) on April 18, 2022, a day of rolling controversies concerning political MAPs
File:Posibiecross.png|Jamal Ross cap-tweeted by Jack Posobiec on April 18. This series even made the news.<ref>[https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/top-qc-slams-online-accounts-26758464 Scottish Daily Express] and [https://web.archive.org/web/20220422012407/https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/top-qc-slams-online-accounts-26758464 Backup].</ref>
File:Posibiecross.png|Jamal Ross cap-tweeted by Jack Posobiec on April 18. This series even made the news.<ref>[https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/top-qc-slams-online-accounts-26758464 Scottish Daily Express] and [https://web.archive.org/web/20220422012407/https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/top-qc-slams-online-accounts-26758464 Backup].</ref>

Revision as of 18:49, 31 October 2022

Part of NewgonWiki's series on
minor-attracted identities
Starting Guide | Community | Pediverse
MAP | NOMAP | AAM | Neologisms
"MAP" Origins | Flag | Movement
Political history: MAP & LGBT Alliances
Philias: Ephebo - Hebe - Pedo - Nepio
Gender and attraction: BL - EL - GL
Pederasty/Gay BL | Korephilia/Lesbian GL
Pro-c | Neutral-c | Anti-c
BLogo | GLogo
Category: Minor-attracted people
Template:MAI - This template

The minor attracted community is a term that can be applied to a loose affiliation of individuals - mainly MAPs and supporters/allies. Presently, the community exists almost exclusively online, however, real-life friendships are known to exist, as do some membership organizations and support groups. Some organizations (mainly homosexual pedophiles and pederasts) had limited success in the period spanning from the mid-70s to the early 90s - maintaining contact by way of mailing lists and taking part in Gay Pride events/larger LGBT organizations.

The websites the community currently uses are generally small webforums and social networks, plus a few peer groups on larger platforms. The last few years has seen considerable diversification, for example - the use of decentralized social networking. The more established of these online communities tend to go under banners such as boylove and girllove, with others remaining generic. In some cases, relationships forged through these websites have led to real-life contacts, and even larger scale meetings and events (see IBLD or Ipce, attracting 100+ and around 10 attendees respectively), although such contact has arguably declined over the last two decades. Because of the intense persecution of MAPs and the greater anonymity offered by the Internet, many of them feel more comfortable finding friends and confidants online than in real life. As such, the online community has grown slowly since around 1997, with sites such as BoyChat establishing themselves as important meeting places.


Most of the MAP Community's activities takes place online.

Message boards

e.g. BoyLinks.

One of the most popular ways to participate in this online community is through message boards (also known as Bulletin Board System-style, or BBS-style, forums). These are websites (for example, BoyChat, GirlChat, Pedofilie (CZ),[1] Pedo24 (RU)[2] and Visions of Alice) in which posters write messages to one another. The messages remain available for long periods of time while other posters read and respond to them. These old-fashioned communities tend to have older users, more freedom of speech, less attention to rules of engagement and the users are often pro-c in some way. Virped is one exception to that rule.[3], and B4U-Act is largely not engaged on the subject of contact.[4]


A primarily lolicon-focused forum with numerous self-identifying MAP members is AllTheFallen, content may vary in legality according to jurisdiction.


Decentralized social platforms such as Mastodon and Pleroma have seen very impressive uptake among MAPs, who communicate on shared servers.[5] Participants in decentralized networking may themselves offer up server space. These are noncommercial spaces for shared interests, and often deviate from the mainstream, so while uptake is high, visibility for activists might be poorer in this instance. Activism can still take place, although this would be more in the mold of peer support or community organizing. Popular instances are freak.university, youjo.love (neutral-c) and NNIA (anti-c predominates). Also commonly used are lolison.top and pawoo.net. The instance on which your account is hosted can block other instances, but otherwise, you can follow accounts on other instances.

Should our efforts expand within the Fediverse, the best analog for this might be the MAP infiltration of Secular-Rationalist bulletin boards that took place in the mid-late 00s. MAPs would be targeting a group that is already predisposed to realigning their way of thinking.

Modern Mainstream

Small communities, including some activism have been seen on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit (/r/pedofriends now banned), and Quora (known to be very low censorship). Members find and follow those who share their interests. On some occasions, activists have supported one another in visibility and awareness raising efforts, although some censorship is carried out. Gab is said to have carried out more pervasive censorship of MAPs/allies, despite its supposed reputation for freedom of speech. Reports concerning Patreon are mixed, but sometimes encouraging.[6][7]


Twitter has had self-identifying MAP accounts for some time, and a NOMAP contingent ever since said movement was founded.[8][9] For demographic reasons, validity policing and harassment takes place, but this has not stopped groups of MAPs forming communities; often with private accounts. A small, select group of MAP activists are also well-seasoned social media debaters, searching the site for threads to engage with. Long-time self-identifying boylover, Steve Diamond wrote the following in 2021:

"I am a MAP, and a human rights advocate. I've had a Twitter account for over ten years, in good standing. I observed and followed Twitter's TOS, rules and policies with great care. This account was very active for at least six years, where I was interacting with a wide range of people on a wide range of subjects. I actually had over 1,500 followers. As to MAP activities, I simply left myself open to discussing them with those who willingly approached me. I helped share and exchange studies/research and news articles relevant to MAP issues. And I did a lot of good nature participation in a hashtag called "#mappositivity", posting things so mild, humorous and uplifting, nobody in their right mind would actually be able to take issue with it.
Enter the "Pride and Joy Only Belongs to Us" LGBTQ Twitter Mafia, and waves of nasty abusive, threatening Holier That Thous, who maliciously flooded MAP hashtags like #mappositivity with graphic gore (pictures and videos of people being murdered), violent threats, dehumanization of MAPs, and endless calls for banning MAPs from Twitter (even in the face of the fact, that we were in violation of no Twitter rules or policies). This went on for about a year, at the hands of these lunatics. An endless onslaught of abusive provocation and threats. I took up reporting them, and even had a thread on Twitter where I was posting screen captures of the responses from Twitter...They used to thank me, over and over, for "helping to keep Twitter safe"...and I helped take down several hundred accounts of these nasty people.
In addition, despite what some of these people may tell you today, there were a number of us MAPs (including myself), who were also reporting and trying to get out of our hashtags anyone who was seemingly offering anything illegal (MAP hashtags were never for this purpose). Again, Twitter used to thank me for being this sort of guardian on it's platform."[10]

Twitter had seen fake MAP publicity efforts in the 10s, such as the ludicrous Clovergender and Heart Progress, which displayed all the hallmarks of right-wing attempts to smear liberals and the LGBT community.

Genuine MAPs and NOMAPs were also banned in the 10s, but overall MAP membership saw a boom in the time leading up to the MAP Flag publicity of '18 and '19,[11] after various professionals lobbied Twitter to permit MAP discourse.[12] MAP Activist, Katie Cruz wrote a guide during this time, which described the state of play as reasonably tolerant.[13] Unfortunately many[14][15][16][17][18] were banned in the years following, and by October 2020, "promoting or normalizing sexual attraction to minors as a form of identity or sexual orientation"[19] was defined as counter to the T+C, and purges continued.

Small groups of determined sock puppeteers nevertheless persisted, and tended to be banned after a number of reports mounted up. In late 2021 and early 2022, a mini-resurgence was underway, and tweets by well-known MAPs and allies were known to have attracted over 20 likes and were retweeted over 1/2000 times (mainly by hostile actors). Newgon Organization's arrival was met with over 30 likes on some posts, but they were soon banned. On one occasion, when a Newgon/Yesmap network member checked his analytics, a tweet gained over 1 million impressions and 40,000 engagements after it was retweeted by culture war icon, Jordan Peterson. By mid-2022, "groomer" panic and attacks on the LGBT community had forced Twitter to once again purge their MAP userbase, with major casualties including the years-old accounts of Marthijn Uittenbogaard (despite the account being used to contest his incarceration in Ecuador) and Virtuous Pedophiles. At present, numerous MAPs run private accounts - hoping to go public if and when the situation improves. Aside from the community itself, 2022 will be remembered as the year that MAPs as a topic of contention went mainstream, with multiple controversies (listed under "normalization") never far away from trending on Twitter.

It is important to mention, that Twitter operates a double standard, not only in relation to those who habitually harass MAPs, Zoophiles, etc, but by favoring "other" sexual minorities such as Lolicons. One poplular Lolicon account @CunnyDatabase has, as of 2021, repeatedly posted obscure memes attempting to distance itself from MAPs, while baselessly accusing other members of trading in pornography in a prolonged campaign of libel.

Video Sharing

YouTube carries out a lot of censorship, but appears to have large numbers of receptive commenters for most alternative points of view. The chat threads in livestreams are sometimes used by MAPs and adjacent activists. Occasional videos from "normies" have crossed the line and led to controversies and comment thread blow-ups. One YT alternative is FreeSpeechTube, founded (but no-longer managed) by Norbert de Jonge, a well known Dutch MAP and civil liberties activist.

Real-time chat

Another common way of interacting with the online community is via real-time chat services such as that offered by websites such as LifeLine, linked to from BoyChat, and MSC - which is supported financially by Prostasia Foundation. Open MAP is another alternative[20], and Pedofilie (NL).[21] These communities have the advantage of permitting instant response and reaction to one's communications, with the disadvantage of being fleetingly ephemeral with regards to their content. Many MAPs host their own servers, on which chat clients can be uploaded.

Discord is a popular (proprietary) platform that allows for groups and direct chats, but since they run their own servers, censorious moderators will always take action if MAPs are identified on their platform. It should also not be relied on for any serious privacy.

Matrix is a platform that offers some privacy protections - and there are many MAP groups on this platform.

IRC, along with Usenet, was the core of the online boylove community before the rise in popularity of BL message boards.


Blogging used to be a considerable part of the minor attracted community, but a purge took place in the summer of 2007 after blogging on free platforms was widely adopted. A few individuals then banded together to form larger groups (such as ours), buying their own bandwidth and starting afresh. Others retreated to Bulletin boards. Some high-profile MAPs such as Thomas O'Carroll continue the blogging tradition.

Phone Messenger apps

Private messenger apps are also used. These messaging apps may have varying levels of decentralization and encryption, meaning that adoption has not been focused on any one platform known at the time of writing. Telegram - a multi-device app is one such example, and has been used by MAPs, despite concerns surrounding its security. Wickr (from Amazon) is also said to be very popular among MAPs who engage in illicit activity ("taboo" and "perv" keyphrases) - although the extent to which this is media hype is unknown. NBC carried out an "investigation" into Wickr in 2022.[22]

Email services

Again, these have varying levels of security and may or may not be used with Tor or VPNs. Tutanota and Protonmail are popular free email solutions among MAPs, as is DNMX.org.


Usenet, often simply referred to as "newsgroups" arguably spawned the predecessors of the Online MAP community. IRC was also a spawning ground of the movement as we know it today, but Usenet came first and probably had a much larger user base. Newsgroups are essentially threaded collections of messages similar to email. The messages are formatted according the NNTP protocol. Usenet is typically accessed with a specialized "newsreader" although some HTTP sites allow web access to some groups. alt.support.boy-lovers was a somewhat popular newsgroup in the mid 1990s.

Dark Web

The encrypted Dark Web is used for trading borderline or illegal material. Encryption can give a false sense of security, with many loopholes available for the surveillance of inexperienced users - including bitcoin transactions. Law enforcement agencies have been known to set up "commercial" porn trading platforms as honey traps.


Modern Social Media and offshoots

Following the blogging purge of the late 00s, MAPs first amassed on Tumblr from the early 10s, until the 2018 purge detailed by MAP Wiki. This led to a migration to Twitter, where MAPs had always maintained a small secondary presence as explained earlier in the article. Most MAP activity on Twitter is non-political, involving friendly contact between MAPs and their allies, much of it via private accounts. There are also large numbers of accounts limited to the pursuit of MAP sexual fiction and other taboo fantasies (gooning accounts). The tweets we show below focus more on the provocative, political efforts of both political and gooning accounts:


See also MAP Movement.

Various organizations such as the largely dormant NAMBLA have existed or still do, as explained in the activism section of our article on the MAP Movement. B4U-Act sometimes holds conferences for MAPs and Mental Heath Professionals to meet and discuss topics. "Workgroups" for peer-support have been particularly successful in Northern Europe, with many such examples having existed in the Netherlands and Germany. Frans Gieles of Ipce has a personal history of having assisted with these groups, and an excellent knowledge of their history.

See also

External links

  • Anti-c MAP Wiki - This group are collecting information from around the Tumblr era onwards - may become useful.
  • OMC's List - similar to ours, may be more geared towards younger, anti-c, IdPol engaged communities and some more reference to the Fediverse. Offers blogging services, unknown how widely available this is.
  • Prostasia - on the history of Twitter and NOMAP/Virped pioneers such as Ethan Edwards and Enderphile.
