Thomas Hubbard

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Thomas Hubbard

Thomas K. Hubbard (born July 19, 1956 in Oklahoma City , USA) is an American classical philologist and scholar of pederasty. He is President of the Percy Foundation. He received his doctorate from Yale in 1980 and taught the first course in Gay & Lesbian Studies at his university in 1992.

He retired at age 65 from his post as James R. Dougherty, Jr. Centennial Professor of Classics at the University of Texas, Austin, so that he could devote his time and fund-raising skills exclusively to the Percy Foundation. Concomitant with his retirement, Hubbard announced his donation of $300,000 to the Foundation, as part of the proceeds he received in an unprecedented ($700,000) legal settlement with his former university.[1]


He is known for Greek Love Reconsidered (New York: Wallace Hamilton, 2000)[2], and more recently Censoring Sex Research: The Debate over Male Intergenerational Relations (2013, ed. with Beert Verstraete).

  • Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003) xvii+558pp. Girst two chapters and table of contents available online.[3]
  • "Popular Perceptions of Elite Homosexuality in Classical Athens," Arion ser. 3, 6.1 (1998) 48-78.
  • "Pederasty and Democracy: The Marginalization of a Social Practice." In T. K. Hubbard, ed. Greek Love Reconsidered (New York: Wallace Hamilton Press, 2000) 1-11.
  • "Pindar, Theoxenus, and the Homoerotic Eye," Arethusa 35 (2002) 255-96.
  • "Sex in the Gym: Athletic Trainers and Pedagogical Pederasty," Intertexts 7 (2003) 1-26.
  • "The Varieties of Greek Love," The Gay & Lesbian Review 11.3 (2004) 11-12.
  • "History's First Child Molester: Euripides' Chrysippus and the Marginalization of Pederasty in Athenian Democratic Discourse," in J. Davidson, F. Muecke, and P. Wilson (eds.), Greek Drama III: Studies in Memory of Kevin Lee = BICS Supplement 87 (London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2005) 223-44.
  • "Pindar's Tenth Olympian and Athlete-Trainer Relationships," in B. Verstraete and V. Provencal (eds.), Greek Love through the Ages: Same-Sex Desire and Love in the Greco-Roman World and in the Classical Tradition of the West (Binghamton: Haworth Press, 2005) 137-71 (= special issue of Journal of Homosexuality 49 [2005]).
  • "Ephebic Liminality and the Ambiguities of Apolline Sexuality," forthcoming in L. Athanassaki, V. , R. P. Martin, J. F. Miller (eds.), Apolline Politics and Poetics (Delphi: European Cultural Center, 2007).
  • "The Paradox of 'Natural' Heterosexuality with 'Unnatural' Women." Review of D. M. Halperin, How to Do the History of Homosexuality (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.09.22 (electronic publication).[4]


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According to the Percy Foundation:

"Starting in November 2019, Hubbard was attacked by a loose coalition of extremist groups on campus, falsely alleging that his scholarship on ancient homosexuality “promotes pedophilia” and “advocates the violent rape of teen boys,” or that he was a pedophile himself and a “threat to student safety.” The initial organizer of the campaign is the daughter of Republican political operative Allen Blakemore, who was designated “the Darth Vader of Texas politics” by the District Attorney of Harris County (Houston). He is the chief political strategist for the legislative machine of the powerful and homophobic Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, a former talk-radio host from Houston. Her libelous claims about Prof. Hubbard’s scholarship were not only rapidly disseminated through local student social media and Texas news media, but also national media including The Daily Beast, Breitbart News, Law Enforcement Today, and Freedom Project Media (an arm of the John Birch Society). The Law Enforcement Today story, which had the title “Professor Argues It Should Be Legal for Grown Men to Have Sex with Children,” was widely circulated among right-wing social conservative networks on Facebook, until Prof. Hubbard reached a legal settlement with the publication to take it down and pay him damages."


At 3:30 AM in the morning of December 9, 2019, the last day of classes, Prof. Hubbard was awakened in his Austin home by the sound of crashing glass in the front room of his residence. When the police arrived some 20 minutes later, he found that a cinderblock fragment had been thrown through the window and the front of his house was spray-painted in red with hammer-and-sickle logos and large letters spelling CHILD RAPIST. Threatening graffiti was also left at other locations in his neighborhood. At 6:00 PM that evening, a mob of 15-20 masked protestors invaded his property, pounding on doors and windows, shining bright lights at the windows on every side, and chanting defamatory slogans through loudspeakers. The demonstrators also put leaflets in every mailbox in his neighborhood with his photos and claims that he was a dangerous child predator. The hour-long demonstration was videorecorded and broadcast live online, as well as being archived by the ANTIFA-linked revolutionary website Incendiary News. Credit for the attack was taken by another Marxist group known as the Popular Women’s Movement/Movimiento Femenino Popular. This group had been promoting a series of on-campus sit-ins and rallies that Fall to demand the removal of various male professors who were accused of sexual harassment, and uniquely in Prof. Hubbard’s case unpopular viewpoints.

See also

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