23 Sep, 2024: Our collection of material documenting harassment, doxing and allegations of illegal behavior against MAPs, on the part of a purportedly "MAP" group, is now complete. A second article documenting a campaign of disinformation by said group is nearing completion, and will be shared here.

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[[Image:Lautmann.jpg|thumb|Rüdiger Lautmann]]
[[Image:Lautmann.jpg|thumb|Rüdiger Lautmann]]
* (1980) Sexualdelikte — Straftaten ohne Opfer? Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 13, S. 44-49  
* (1980) Sexualdelikte — Straftaten ohne Opfer? Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 13, S. 44-49  
* (1994) Die Lust am Kind. Portrait des Pädophilen. Hamburg: Ingrid Klein Verlag GmbH. 1994. ISBN 3-89521-015-3 - [https://web.archive.org/web/20190731054559/http://www.shfri.net/trans/lautmann/lautmann.htm English translation], [https://libgen.st/search.php?req=Die+Lust+am+Kind&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def Original at Libgen]
* (1994) Die Lust am Kind. Portrait des Pädophilen. Hamburg: Ingrid Klein Verlag GmbH. 1994. ISBN 3-89521-015-3
:*[https://web.archive.org/web/20190731054559/http://www.shfri.net/trans/lautmann/lautmann.htm English translation (Attraction to children) at WebArchive]
:*[https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=9D30E890BB6E7EBF7A9E235DFED54A3F English translation at Libgen] and [[Media:Lautmann attraction to children.pdf|Newgon]]
:*[https://libgen.st/search.php?req=Die+Lust+am+Kind&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def Original at Libgen]
* (1993) Sexualität ist wieder böse, und im Strafrecht liegt das Heil.  ≀ Lorenz Böllinger & Rüdiger Lautmann (Hrsg.). Vom Guten, das noch stets das Böse schafft. Kriminlawissenschaftliche Essays zu Ehren von Herbert Jäger (S. 149-160). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.  
* (1993) Sexualität ist wieder böse, und im Strafrecht liegt das Heil.  ≀ Lorenz Böllinger & Rüdiger Lautmann (Hrsg.). Vom Guten, das noch stets das Böse schafft. Kriminlawissenschaftliche Essays zu Ehren von Herbert Jäger (S. 149-160). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.  
* (1996) Mißbrauch. Über Moralpolitik. Merkur, 50(9/10), 865-879  
* (1996) Mißbrauch. Über Moralpolitik. Merkur, 50(9/10), 865-879  

Latest revision as of 10:38, 12 July 2023

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Rüdiger Lautmann (born 22. Dec. 1935 in Koblenz) is a German jurist and sociologist. He was professor in sociology at University of Bremen from 1971, retiring in 2001, and is one of the most prominent LGBT scholars in Germany.

Research into the lived experience of pedophiles

Lautmann is a gay man who conducted early LGBT research. His most sensitive work has become Die Lust am Kind (1994). Translated in-full as The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles, Lautmann interviewed a community sample of 60 self-identified pedophiles about their attractions, life and sexual history. His introduction:

distinguishes three types [...]:

  • The "real pedophile" is generally interested in contact with children, including a sexual aspect;
  • the "substitute-object offender" uses a child as a substitution for a blocked contact with adults; and
  • the "aggressive-sadistic offender" uses violence because of his pathology.

In this book, I exclusively present the first type, in my estimation five percent of the pedosexually active men.

Rüdiger Lautmann speaking at the SPDQueer Berlin conference, 2015

The full English translated text, as well as highlights and quotes, can be found on Ipce.[1] The book has since become controversial because pedophilia is described (similar to other researchers) as a sexual orientation, and asserts that young people are capable of sexual autonomy and mutually willing sexual consent.

Following the book’s release, Lautmann reportedly spoke at an event hosted by the ostensibly MAP friendly organization, Specialist and Support Group for Pedophilia (Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie). In 1995, Lautmann wrote an article for Pro Familia, a leading NGO which provides resources on sexual health, arguing that pedophilia is a sexual orientation rather than a mental illness.

Lautmann has been pilloried for his allegedly close relationship with sexologist Helmut Kentler, who conducted an experiment where young people were paired with foster parents known to experience pedophilic attraction. In 2008, Lautmann wrote Kentler’s obituary for the Humanist Union (HU), of which he was then a board member. Lautmann was also a member of the lobbying organization Humane Sexuality Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität, AHS), a research project which argued that “pedosexual contacts” could be consensual, and wrote in the group's magazine. In 2022, Lautmann was attacked in English-language media for being part of an educational board overseeing the construction of a cross-generational LGBT living complex in Germany, which caters for old and young with retirement living, restaurants and daycare facilities. The (mostly) sensationalist piece describes the complex:[2]

Earlier this year, Berlin’s Gay Counseling Services (Berliner Schwulenberatung), an LGBT rights group which has been serving the gay community for 40 years, announced it would be launching a “diverse” living space in Berlin’s Südkreuz area in 2023.

Roughly translated to the “Diverse Living Place,” the complex will host 69 apartments, a dedicated geriatric facility, a restaurant, and more — all of which will aim to provide “multigenerational housing for homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGBTI*)” people. The stated goal of the initiative is to create a space where residents can live “without fear of exclusion due to sexual or gender identity."

In addition to living quarters and common areas, the Place will also have two daycare centers to accommodate approximately 90 children in total. The daycare facilities will have a specialized focus on LGBT education.

According to Prof. Florian Mildenberger, earlier attacks on Lautmann's research arsing largely from the anti-MAP self-proclaimed feminist campaigner Alice Schwarzer, had a chilling effect on similar research: "from this point on, even a nonprejudiced discussion of pedophilia was considered ethically questionable in the German academic landscape." (p. 78). See Beispiel Peter Schult.


Lautmann grew up in Düsseldorf. First he read law and graduated with the second part of the state examination (after a time as a trainee lawyer) and a doctorate juris utriusque - i.e. including Canon Law. Then he studied sociology and obtained a second doctorate. He continued his career as an assistant to the leading sociologists Helmut Schelsky in Münster and Niklas Luhmann in Bielefeld. From 1971 to 2001 has was professor of sociology at the Institut für Empirische und Angewandte Soziologie (EMPAS) at the University of Bremen.

Selected publications

  • (1970) Mit Maihofer, Werner; Schelsky, Helmut (Hg.): Die Funktion des Rechts in der modernen Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie, Bd. 1. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.
  • (1971) Als Hrsg. mit Feest, Johannes: Die Polizei. Soziologische Studien und Forschungsberichte. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
  • (1972) Justiz – die stille Gewalt. Teilnehmende Beobachtung und entscheidungssoziologische Analyse. Frankfurt/Main.
  • (1973) Als Hrsg. mit Fuchs, Werner u.a.: Lexikon zur Soziologie. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. 1973; 3. erweit. Aufl. 1994 ISBN 3-53111-417-4; 4. erweit. Aufl. 2002/2003.
  • (1980-1997) Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur Homosexualität. Berlin: Verlag rosa Winkel. Acht Bände.
  • (1984) Der Zwang zur Tugend. Die gesellschaftliche Kontrolle der Sexualitäten. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp.
  • (1990) Mit Schetsche, Michael: Das pornographierte Begehren. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.
  • (1992) Konstruktivismus und Sexualwissenschaft. Z Sexualforsch, 5(3), 219-244.
  • (1993) Als Hrsg.: Homosexualität. Handbuch der Theorie- und Forschungsgeschichte. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
  • (1997) Der Homosexuelle und sein Publikum. Ein Spagat zwischen Wissenschaft und Subkultur. Hamburg: MännerschwarmSkript Verlag.
  • (2000) Mit Hutter, Jörg; Koch-Burghardt, Volker: Ausgrenzung macht krank. Homosexuellen-Feindschaft und HIV-Infektion. Opladen: Westdeutscher-Verlag.
  • (2002) Als Hrsg. mit Jellonnek, Burkhard: Nationalsozialistischer Terror gegen Homosexuelle. Verdrängt und ungesühnt. Paderborn: Schöningh. 2002. ISBN 3-50674-204-3
  • (2002) Soziologie der Sexualität. Erotisches Körper, intimes Handeln und Sexualkultur. Weinheim, München: Juventa.
  • (2004) Als Hrsg. mit Daniela Klimke und Fritz Sack: Punitivität. 8. Beiheft zum Kriminologischen Journal. Weinheim: Juventa-Verlag.
  • (2006) Mit Daniela Klimke: Die neoliberale Ethik und der Geist des Sexualstrafrechts. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 19, S. 97-117.

About pedophilia and related issues

Rüdiger Lautmann
  • (1980) Sexualdelikte — Straftaten ohne Opfer? Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 13, S. 44-49
  • (1994) Die Lust am Kind. Portrait des Pädophilen. Hamburg: Ingrid Klein Verlag GmbH. 1994. ISBN 3-89521-015-3
  • (1993) Sexualität ist wieder böse, und im Strafrecht liegt das Heil. ≀ Lorenz Böllinger & Rüdiger Lautmann (Hrsg.). Vom Guten, das noch stets das Böse schafft. Kriminlawissenschaftliche Essays zu Ehren von Herbert Jäger (S. 149-160). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  • (1996) Mißbrauch. Über Moralpolitik. Merkur, 50(9/10), 865-879
  • (1997) Pädophilie - darf es die geben? Anfragen anlässlich eines Buches. In Frits Bernhard (Hrsg.), Pädophilie ohne Grenzen. Theorie, Forschung, Praxis. Frankfurt am Main: Foerster.
  • (1997) Pädophilie: Partnerschaft oder subtile Gewalt? 5 Streitfragen an Gerhard Amendt und Rüdiger Lautmann. Psychologie heute, Dezember 1997, 56-61.
  • (1999) Das Szenario der modellierten Pädophilie. ≀ Katharina Rutschky & Reinhard Wolff (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sexueller Mißbrauch (S. 182-198). Reinbek: Rowohlt.

External links
